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nDo and dDo Q&A

So with the Quixel offering a pack of all their products. I thought I would open up a forum for some Q&A.

like here is a question from me, is there a way. Can I select an area on a bump map in nDo with the marquee tool, then invert the direction bump.

Feel free to ask me any questions on the Quickel suite


  • TheLowestAnimal
    So I Always Assumed That NDO Used Something Similar To The Layerstyle Stroke In It's Process To Achieve The Normal Map. As With My Experiences Flipping It With The Marquee Tool While NDO Is Still In Its Process Changes Relatively Little To Nothing. Doing At The End When You Have The Layers Collapsed And Essentially Out Of NDOs Control Should Do The Trick.

    But Why Not Just Use The Invert Tool In NDOs Tool Box Panel?

    My Question
    In Ddo I Get A General fReezing Problem When I Get It To Start Running And Processing. It Just Zooms Out Infinitely On The Document. Anyone Know A Way To Get It Moving Again Without Having To Reset The Program? If Anyone Else Experiences That Issue That Is?
  • VisceralD
    As for your answer I think that the inverse tool that you are talking about only affects brush strokes that i made. I'm trying to make a marquee selection and inverse the strength in the location of that selection, but the problem is that once I make a marquee selection. All that nDo lets you do is covert that in to a flat selection bevel.

    As for your issue I'm assuming this happens between the process of you loading in your textures and you actually being able to edit. Because I know the program goes through a song and dance to convert everything to its nicely laid out layers. perhaps changing the format or size of the textures you input can resolve your problem. If not then I would just reinstall the thing.
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    ya you cant used it to inset things on existing normalmaps, if it is something you made in ndo, and you only want to inset part of it, just separate it to a new ndo2 layer, and flip it that way.

    Or a option is to go into sculpt mode, and erase part of it.
  • VisceralD
    yup passerby that's what I needed, thanks for the help, your awesome.

    Again guys any questions on this suite ill gladly answer
  • passerby
    Offline / Send Message
    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    also other tip, if you got a lot of things with the same settings, you can just create those elements in sculpt mode by making selections and filling with white
  • artquest
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    artquest polycounter lvl 14
    VisceralD wrote: »
    yup passerby that's what I needed, thanks for the help, your awesome.

    Again guys any questions on this suite ill gladly answer

    Whats the single biggest change in user experience between the old versions and the new suite's workflow and how much does it speed things up from before?
  • VisceralD
    @passerby: thanks good to know

    @artquest: not sure did not use the old version

    Quick tip i just found out guys for others that had this issue. Often when exporting OBJ files in to DDo they would look terrible. So what I found out was that it was the OBJ export settings, you have to change the faces setting from Quads to Polygons.
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