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Handgun WIP - Wondering how to proceed

polycounter lvl 11
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Connecta polycounter lvl 11
Hi. This is my first Hardsurface-model, so I don't really have a good pipeline for it. I found a concept that I liked and modified it.


So I've done the base model in Maya, and now I'm not quite sure how to proceed. I want to do finer details and the general texturing, but I'm not sure how.

I'm torn between taking the model to Zbrush or doing it completely in nDo2 / dDo / Photoshop.

How would you do?

(btw, am I posting this in the right place? Been mostly lurking Polycount before)


  • cR45h
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    cR45h polycounter lvl 7
    There is no ideal way to continue really. It depends on what kind of details you want to add. Some details might be better to do in zb, some in ps. Personally, I go for whatever is faster. If quality suffers from it, just find the balance between quality and speed. Since this is your first piece, I recommend experimenting a ton to see what works for you. Best way to learn whats what is by dicking around as much as you can.

    For the textures, start by setting up basic color values in all of your maps (diffuse, spec, gloss, w/e) to represent the materials you're going for. From there proceed with details.
  • stevston89
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    stevston89 interpolator
    First soften your edges. They won't bake well currently. Second It depends on the kind of details. Generally zbrush is better at handling chunkier and more organic forms. So things like wear, sratches, dents, damage are great in zbrush. Cleaner details are harder to pull off. Things like insets, holes, screws, any sort of clean detail. So if you want a cleaner looking gun I recommend going straight to Ndo, but if you want more wear might be better to take it in to Zbrush. That said there is no reason to not use both. The way I go about it is and detail that is hard to make in Zbrush I will either model or add it in while texturing.
  • Connecta
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    Connecta polycounter lvl 11
    Ok! Thanks for the advice, I will try both then.
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