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PBR Noob question

polycounter lvl 14
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Monophobe polycounter lvl 14

Apologies for asking what is no doubt already seen as a very basic question but tonight is my first time trying to use PBR texturing (in UE4) after years of the usual methods and I just wanted some confirmation that I'm thinking along the right lines for authoring textures

So, is the below correct or am I barking up the wrong tree? :polytwitch:

Diffuse - Should be flat colour information, as the surface would be seen under a totally neutral light, no AO included, etc.

Specular - Intensity/brightness of specular highlight, flat colour value per surface type

Roughness - Controls the gloss / tightness of specular highlights. Black being a tight spot highlight spreading through to white which would be wide to the point of no highlight.

I just can't quite think how I would go about making skin textures based on that. How are you supposed to know what sort of values to use for things to be physically accurate?

</moron moment>


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