Hey guys!
I'm looking to move from the North end of Toronto Ontario, closer to the lake-shore west area, either Highpark or The Junction. If you know any like-minds in the industry looking for a room-mate or if you are looking for a place to rent I'd love to meet up and arrange a place to stay!
Looking for at-least 1 year occupancy. Must have parking and be game-nerd friendly! Add me to facebook/google plus, whatever you'd like pm me for details.
Looking to pay no more than 900 for a single bedroom, bringing the total of the apartment (2bedroom) close to 2000. Cheaper is fine of course, I just cap-out for 1 Room at 900, renting a single bedroom is such a crock. Friendly with pets, basement apartments, the like! As long as it's a decent place.
Shot in the dark but heck, why not!