Hi everyone, having an issue with dynamic shadow which is showing after lightbake. Trouble is the object (f1 car) is behind wall and directional light is not even hitting the car as shown by orange lines yet when light is baked the car is generating shadows too.
Scene has lightprobes and all dynamic objects are set in proper way. Only thing that i have not tried is making UVW light map for car but generate uvw for lightbake is checked.
Also, those shadows must be coming from somewhere, so double check all your lights to make sure one of them isn't accidentally casting a shadow
This is game ready scene and using 1 per pixel light (aka Directional light) that is generating shadows and is coming through the window as shown by orange lines.
Every other light in this scene is confirmed SH (Vertex light) and set to Not Important in render, hence no shadow what so ever.
the culprit is the directional light only, I am using single lightmap. Also if lower the shadow intensity the problem fades away and is not so noticeable BUT still there and it reduces the richness of other shadows in scene as required (sort of art decision for having pitch black shadow).
The issue is object that is not even receiving direct light (shadow castor light) is generating shadow. I mean that is impossible in real world sense.
Yup I have changed the settings and when i change it to bake only the issue goes away but hey this isnt solving this dynamic shadow leaking issue which im sure will pop up in open environments. -_- Unity