Hey guys, long time no post (I lurk a lot.)
A few buddies and I from the professional game/film industry decided to start a collaborative "art" blog dedicated to making aesthetically craptastic art: working on beautiful productions during the day can be draining, so creating hilariously awful artwork has been our way to blow steam without any of the stress.
Most "awful 3D" art blogs out there are pretty lazy, we're just throwing in some extra effort where it really shouldn't be. Work harder, not smarter. :poly142:
Let us know what you think! Thanks.
Hmmm... I uh. Yeah. Huh.
I second this motion. So I can finally post at least one of my models *lol*
Flappy bird HD
Friend just shared this one with me: http://le-troidage.tumblr.com/
Dis gon be good ^^)
i tried to do this like 2 years ago and mods deleted my thread, i dont think i was going to use intentionally bad models tho.... just bad models
Buahaha noice.jpg :thumbup:
...Waits for 'Toppa Tengen Gurren MaxTeapot'.
You forgot the girl (or what it was) that was baked to a plane I remember as you made it.
LOL yes, I remember that got me banned for PC for 7 days.
That's exactly the same as I remember. What's new? :poly142:
thanks guys you made me cry with laughter a bit
Blog link at: http://wippyluau.tumblr.com/