A question for the Maya guru's:
I have experience with the sculpt terrain tool and 3D brush-thingy-ma-bob, but i'm really not sure of any methods for painting seamless looping textures AND keep it renderable for mental ray, while being able to layer them up.
I've been hunting videos out for a while, and while no obvious solution seems to exist I have already received suggestions & tried unsuccessfully to use the layered-textures shader which does not render with mental ray! I've also tried doing a ramp & applying textures to the colour nodes but it's not really giving me the degree of freedom that I was hoping for. I'd really rather not have a 20k px x 20k px texture just so I can use Photoshop's layered masking tools to paint my own terrain, am I missing something painfully obvious?
I need to be able to apply a bump map to the textures too.
I know for a fact I could do terrain quickly and easily and paint the textures together in Unity or CryEngine with their simple and intuitive terrain tools, but for the purposes of this project I wanted to utilise some of the Maya tools and render it out properly.
TLDR or too much waffle: I want to paint multiple seamless .tga image files onto a plane.
Kind regards, and thanks in advance, this is my first and hopefully not my last question for you

You could adapt this workflow for rendering in Maya as well. Although I know the 3d paint tool in Maya is pretty limited. You're better off using Mudbox or 3D-Coat or Mari.