Hey guys,
I was following 3D motive's intro to Zbrush tut for some useful and handy tips for creating wooden beams and such when I ran into this weird problem.
So every time I try using surface noise I get weird seams on the meh surface and stretching at the ends

The base model was made in max and imported into Zbrush(just a simple subdivided box) where it now stands at about 3.34 million polys.
Anyone got any ideas ?
try unwrapping your model and switching to 'uv' as an alternative
Tried it quickly before heading out for work, didn't do much. Thanks anyways.
I hope it's nothing to do with me importing the mesh from Max, it was easier to get an even mesh from Max rather than to create one from scratch in Zbrush.
I just use GoZ.
It should work, if you have proper UVs set up. I use this technique all the time without issues. As suggested, check that your OBJ is being exported correctly with its UVs intact. Use the UV checker in Zbrush to make sure.
Will do. Thanks