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Viking Axe

polycounter lvl 3
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Triksterr polycounter lvl 3
This is my first ever High to low workflow/SubD or whatever the kids are calling it nowadays. My inspiration was from the TV show The Viking's on the history channel as well as Skyrim. Being a noob I don't know if I did everything in a efficient manner so I am going to go over my work flow below. Please point out anything that strikes you as off.

1. Started in 3ds max using a plane to make my silhouette.
2. Extruded and shaped and what not to get my form using all them fancy modifiers.
3. Broke the model into logical pieces Blade, Pommel, Shaft.
4. Went to town with turbo smooth adding control edges to each piece as needed.
5. Exported to Zbrush and saved a copy calling it low Poly 19,000 polys at this point.
6. Began subdividing and adding in detail sculpting texture and patterns and what not 2 mil polys.
7. Went back to my Low Poly save and started breaking it down using decimate and Zremesher.
8. Took it back into 3ds Max and continued pulling all the unneeded edges/ hidden polys ended at under 2000.
9. Uv unwrapped
10. Baked normals and Ao using Xnormals.
11. Went to town in photoshop using combination of photos, painting and blending.
12. Made my spec map from diffuse and mixed in some of my Ao map to the diffuse.
13. Marmoset render making metal shiny and separating mats and done!

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  • Joost
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    Joost polycount sponsor
    It's a good start but the forms feel pretty soft. Especially the blade. It looks more like stone than metal. I wouldn't change it now though, just keep it in mind for your next project. The materials could use some work as well.
  • Triksterr
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    Triksterr polycounter lvl 3
    Thanks for the critique. Yeah I think I am calling this one done. The blade did not turn out just like I thought it would nor as sharp as I had hoped. But all in all it was a great learning experience taught me so much when it comes to using new tools. Must have went through a dozen or so tutorials.

    Edit: Do you think its at least a portfolio piece or should I tuck it away for later? Trying to get some work together to build a foundation for my folio.
  • Joost
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    Joost polycount sponsor
    You can put it on your portfolio for now and when you have some new stuff, replace it.
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