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Dishonored-inspired Character

Hi guys! This is a project I've been working on for a little while, and I figured it was far enough along that I could put it up and try and get some crit. C:

I wanted to make a character that would fit into the wold of Dishonored, because I am obsessed with that game and think the character art is just gorgeous. So I decided to come up with sort of a new class of "enemy"; the idea is that he is a mechanic/repairman who repairs or upgrades all the weapons/machinery that the player sabotages.



Everything's at sort of a first-pass stage right now, so he still needs lots of refining and details and whatnot. I'd love to get your guys' opinions on the overall style/silhouette, though. I think his silhouette might be a bit uninteresting right now, as compared to other enemies in Dishonored. I'm thinking of maybe giving him more tools/machinery on his belt or on his back. Also, I might need to push the asymmetry and, well, ugliness in his face. The characters in the game are just so beautifully ugly, swoon. What do you think?

Here's a bit of my ref plus the original sloppy sketch, if that interests you guys:


Thanks a lot guys! (Also! this is my first ever thread on Polycount, so if I'm doing anything wrong or silly please let me know xD)


  • ClusterOne
    Offline / Send Message
    ClusterOne polycounter lvl 4
    Wow--that's really good. I have never played dishonored so I don't know if its a stylistic choice, but the hands look a bit disproportionate. Other than that, it looks perfect to me. Can't wait to see the finished product.
  • mandisawesome
    Offline / Send Message
    Thanks ClusterOne! C:
    Big hands are kind of part of the style of Dishonored, but I don't think I really owned it and it just sorta looks unintentional. I'll def readdress the hands!
  • mandisawesome
    Offline / Send Message
    Whoa let's get this old thread back to life.

    I've about wrapped up sculpting on this guy. I'm pretty happy with his silhouette now that he has his tool belt and oil tank on his back. I'm moving on to retopo (easy) and texturing (hard ugh, I'm hoping I can get a lot of the painterly style out of the sculpt and keep the texture simpler), BUT I'm still open to crit on the sculpt. C:


  • BagelHero
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    BagelHero interpolator
    You should check out more of Cedric Peyravernay's work, I feel. Stylistically, the shapes and details and chiseled/painterly style used in dishonored are sort of missing in this scupt-- mostly the face.

    Other than really taking a look at how Cedric Peyravernay did the character designs, the Character Artists at Arkane also posted all their stuff here.

    Should give you a better idea of how they sculpted the facial details (you need more depth).

    That said, this is shaping up really nicely. Great work.
  • mandisawesome
    Offline / Send Message
    Thanks Bagel! I see what you mean about the chiseled/painterly look in the stuff in that thread. Possibly I was looking too closely at the final in-game models and not enough at the original sculpts and concept art.
    I WILL conquer this style!!!
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