I posted this in the general discussion thread but it seems moore fitting to post it here in a separate thread.
Hey im experiencing some trubbles with the landscape system.
Im in the prosess of making some terrain for UDK, im mostly following this method.
So im trying to apply my diffuse texture to the entire terrain. This is the result im getting. Looks nice with the hightmap but what about the normalmap and diffuse?
If we zoom in we get this, awful tiling. Now this result is what i would have expected to see in UE3 aswell, but using the LandscapeCoords you where able to strech the texture over the entire landscape. This node is missing however.
The only node close to what i was looking for was the following, and this is how simple my material is setup at the moment.
That node is working the exact same way as in UE3 btw, they only replaced terrain by landscape in the naming.
I was wondering if you were using a landscapelayerblend or landscapelayerweight node?
Collision on a 4k terrain is heavy though. You will want to lod the collision to the second lod step, or remove collision from components you won't ever get to.
@decorix Im not 100% sure, i dont have the editor open right now, but i filtered for landscape and picked the one refering to the cordinates.