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First time character sculpt

polycounter lvl 5
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dickiegriffin polycounter lvl 5
Hey all

Okay, so I'm trying to get my feet wet with the whole sculpting thing. Nothing as complicated as a whole character from a sphere, My aims for this exercise are significantly less lofty.

So basically I've picked a nice simple stylized character, In this case Harley Quinn from Li'l Gotham, for which I've started to make a base mesh for (sketch fab & ref below). Having not made a character mesh with the intention of sculpting before, I'd like to ask for some pointers.




I know I've put more detail into the face than you'd usually get at this stage, but I'm only looking to sculpt the finishing touches till I have a better understanding of what I'm doing.

oh, & I think i'll be using Mudbox, if that has any bearing on the issue, since It's what we have installed at work.




  • ClusterOne
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    ClusterOne polycounter lvl 4
    If you have the choice between Zbrush and Mudbox, choose Zbrush. Zbrush has a steeper learning curve than Mudbox but its overall package greatly streamlines the creative process. The inability to create meshes or actively modify topology in Mudbox, makes the creative process a bit more technical. You'll find yourself bouncing between Maya or 3ds Max a lot.

    I can't really give you any artistic pointers because I'm not a great artist myself. However, as far as your base mesh goes, it looks pretty solid. There shouldn't be any pinching or weird topology problems. You will probably want to fix those eyes though--too many edges converging into a single vertex. The only real advice I can give you is to be sure to take full advantage of the awesome pipeline between Mudbox and other Autodesk programs like Maya and 3ds Max. It makes your life a lot easier.

    Good luck! I can't wait to see your results :)
  • dickiegriffin
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    dickiegriffin polycounter lvl 5
    @ ClusterOne: Though I am slowly on & off working my way through zbrush tutorials, I picked Mudbox for this because I need to learn it for work. Maybe I'll use Zb if I do Poison Ivy! I'll change the eyes, the spear was only so I could model the sockets

    Okay, so I figured It might be easier to see the topology without the camera perspective of sketchfab. On the advice of a guy I work with, I've updated the forehead to make it less stick-outy!






    - D
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