Hello! I've been mulling over the concept of a fish blade for Naga for a while now, (as well as a few other ideas), so I thought I'd share where I'm at so far. I'd love any feedback from you lovely folks! I haven't conveyed it very well in my sketches, but ideally the coloured bit (above the blade) would be textured to give the sort of shimmery impression of fish scales.

Thanks, and hopefully I'll be back later with some more concepts!
(sorry, someone had to crack that stupid pun and I thought it might just as well be me)
Colour wise it's a gamble since it differs from her original shade of brown. I'd suggest follow her browns BUT with pink ombre ends. Something like-
The horn and vines wrapping around is my favorite so far. And overall I can see more room for improvement, don't give up buddy! I can't wait to see more of your stuff