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ToolBag 2.03 help. Runs slow and large file size.

Hey guys,
I wasnt sure where to post and couldnt find much info on this specifically. Anyway, I have been using marmoset 2 for a while now, and it chugs really hard on my machine. For only having one character in my scene, it runs awfully slow. So I was wondering if either it is just my computer, or if there is something I might be able to do differently. Ill break down my scene for you. Also the file size is 790mb which seems kind of absurd to me.
Anyway, I have a character that is roughly 35k triangles. With 6 sets of maps. So a head mat, body mat, clothes mat, extras mat, eye mat, and an alpha mat for small hairs.
The head, body and clothes use 2k maps. Normal, diffuse, gloss.

That is about it, and it runs crazy slow. I turned resolution to half even. This seems crazy to me, since my machine can run full games at pretty decent resolution, but cant handle this. I know it is rendering pretty high res shadows and a decent skin shader. Anyway, any help on understanding and seeing if I could do something different. I really want to use this all the time, but it is a pain to just rotate. I have attached a screenshot of what I am working on so you can get an idea. Thanks for any help.


comp specs-
windows 8.1 pro
intel i7 @2.2ghz
12gb ram
gforce gt 640m le 4gb memory.

Is there a way to run a check on system speed. It just seems to be running kind of slow in general. Thanks


  • EarthQuake
    A couple things, first off: Toolbag 2 performance depends entirely on your video card. You've got a 640m, which is mobile version of the 640 and not a particularly fast card. This is most likely the source of your performance woes.

    Personally I would recommend something as fast as say a 560TI for good performance. I just upgraded my workstation card to a GTX 770 and am very happy with it. For reference:
    640M LE: 873
    560TI: 3540
    770: 6208

    There are a few things you can do to improve performance. First off, depth of field is a very expensive effect, and the larger the "max bokeh size" is set to, the worse performance you're going to get. So you can disable DOF (and turn it back on before you do your final renders), or turn down the bokeh size. One thing I like to do with complex scenes is set up a "working" camera with DOF effects etc disabled so I can make quick changes and not worry about performance, then snap back to the final camera with DOF for a preview.

    The good news here is that in 2.04 (which should be out soonish), we've added a option to pre-blur the background, which is great if you simply want to have a blurry background but keep your model in sharp focus. The pre-blurred background option does not hurt performance much/at all.

    The half resolution option should also improve performance significantly, especially on a mobile card like yours. Half res will not affect the final render quality of exported images in any way.

    Local reflections, ao and high res shadows also reduce performance, so those can be turned off while you're working.

    As far as the huge file size goes, generally that happens when:
    A. You load a very high resolution mesh, like a zbrush sculpt, directly in.
    B. You load a high resolution custom HDR panorama sky images, with custom the sky content is saved directly into the scene. You can reduce the resolution of the pano before importing it into Toolbag to improve file size(and performance in some cases).
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Kat, also try turning off the high resolution shadows if your just setting up a scene.
    A slow down happens to me if i have marmo running and a 4096 texture file with couple of layers on it.

    These are good to note for the future though.
    Couldn't this have been added to the sticky thread, mod?
    Just saying if it helps keep it all in one place, idk.

    Maybe you'll see this but yea your card cause i have i7, 6gb's, but two HD5770's.
  • Katonc
    Thanks for all the info! I will try the two different cameras. At half res, and dof off, it still pretty heavy. I am just surprised at how simple my scene is and how much it chugs. What is the main factor with all this? Is it now that it is taking into account physically plausible shader and the energy conservation, along with hdri stuff? I know there is so much more to it, but just surprised that is all. Maybe bottom line my card is just kind of weak. I would think however I should be able to load a simple mesh and light with not doing anything fancy and it run smooth. Are there potential frame rate optimizations coming down the road?

    Also i have some very basic alpha cars, could this slow it down a lot? At work we have done some test with some heavy alpha usage and it for sure makes things chug, but are doing some intense work.

    Anyway thanks for the help. I would get a new card but this is a laptop. I will try some test on my desktop where my card is probably better. Thanks again.

    Katonc wrote: »
    Hey guys,
    I wasnt sure where to post and couldnt find much info on this specifically. Anyway, I have been using marmoset 2 for a while now, and it chugs really hard on my machine. For only having one character in my scene, it runs awfully slow. So I was wondering if either it is just my computer, or if there is something I might be able to do differently. Ill break down my scene for you. Also the file size is 790mb which seems kind of absurd to me.
    Anyway, I have a character that is roughly 35k triangles. With 6 sets of maps. So a head mat, body mat, clothes mat, extras mat, eye mat, and an alpha mat for small hairs.
    The head, body and clothes use 2k maps. Normal, diffuse, gloss.

    That is about it, and it runs crazy slow. I turned resolution to half even. This seems crazy to me, since my machine can run full games at pretty decent resolution, but cant handle this. I know it is rendering pretty high res shadows and a decent skin shader. Anyway, any help on understanding and seeing if I could do something different. I really want to use this all the time, but it is a pain to just rotate. I have attached a screenshot of what I am working on so you can get an idea. Thanks for any help.


    comp specs-
    windows 8.1 pro
    intel i7 @2.2ghz
    12gb ram
    gforce gt 640m le 4gb memory.

    Is there a way to run a check on system speed. It just seems to be running kind of slow in general. Thanks
  • EarthQuake
    I think we nailed this issue down with regard to skies, should be fixed in the next update.

    For now, save your sky to a preset in the /data/sky/ directory, close and reopen toolbag and then it will show up in the preset list. This should fix the performance issue, there was memory a bug with saving the sky content directly into the scene file.
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