Hey there. I've been working on an environment for the past couple months and have consistently been having trouble lighting my assets. There are light maps in the lightmap channel of the UV sets of all the FBXs with the LOD res of 64, but I'm still having issues with different assets being lit differently in very similar world space to each other. I was wondering if anyone could possibly tell me what I am missing or doing incorrectly to light my environment? Thank you. [IMG][/img]
And finally, check your lights and start with just one lightsource. Where lights overlap in UDK you sometimes get strange lightmap results. You can go into every light and determine what it influences (e.g. other lights). There is no guaranteed recipe for successful lighting, but to keep meshes close and check your lighting, are two things that helped me.
Another, but this is obvious, because it is repeated everywhere is to SNAP your UV to the grid. Don't just create a lightmap channel on the grid, but snap your islands to the grid. And keep them straight.