Hay Guys, This is my first post on here, so be gentle.. no actually lets take that back since i want honest opinions =D
im posting here mostly 'cause id love to hear some critique from you guys anyways.
So yeah- even though u can easily see that this is work in progress, pls feel free to leave me some critique, tips and hints.
especially about the foldings so far (even though im not done with it, id like to know if u feel its going in the right direction)
also id love to get some tips on how you guys create such wrappings as o the arms and feet.
I sculpted them by hand, and i was wondering if there was a better way since the topology seems to get rly funky with all those diagonal lines.
sooooo- since i kinda good hooked on StarWars (once again) i decided to realize this Illustration:

here's a few things i've noticed
1.) Elbow joints need to be defined better
2.) in the side profile the arm looks too tubular, define the forms of the biceps etc
3.) Also the back part of the ankle looks weird in the side view
But overall i think you have a good project going, even i am still working to improve my anatomy skills.
Im still wondering about my problem with the wrappings though- so id be glad if someone could give me some advice about that
You might also want to give her arms the muscle tone she has before going further with the wrappings. Especially her shoulders, biceps, and elbows.
The bandages you saw on my "Shina the Leopard" model are all done by hand, no special tecnique or things like that at all, just a sketch with the buildup to define the flow of the bandages and then a fast refinement with the dam standard, orb cracks, and standard brushes. However it's good if you have a good hand in zbrush and don't get bored with tedious works.
There is no "best way" to make wrappings that works for everything, it all depends on what you wanna do with the final model, if you want to have an highpoly for some poster or a lowpoly for games, if you want tight bandages or loosen ones.
Here are some examples for some types of bandages:
-Loosen thick bandages: http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/183/c/6/goku___views_by_bruno_camara-d6bouh4.jpg --> from the amazing Bruno Camara, this involves making them with slines in 3ds max or maya and then a lot of bushin and pulling to make them wrap good and don't go through one to another, then apply the fabric pattern, ruin them a bit and you're done.
-Cartoon style bandages: http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/037/a/4/darksiders_ii_forge_sister_by_grayginther-d5u26hl.jpg --->this is all sculpting with a lot of masking and extrating but it will not look realistic at the end.
-Semirealistic sculpted bandages: http://dantert.deviantart.com/#/art/Marvel-Bloody-Roar-Gray-turn-399229730?hf=1--> it works for printed figures or not realistic stuff..
-...I don't know how to call this one, panel loops tecnique maybe?: http://www.zbrushcentral.com/showthread.php?178522-Mummy-Wraps-Bandages-Technique-with-SliceCurve-amp-Panel-Loops a tutorial for bandages nice and easy.
However if you're going for a lowpoly character don't bother too much about realistic wrappings, go for the scupted ones maybe add 2 splines to make it pop out a bit more, but don't waste too much tome on that since it will not be seen too much in the final bake.
Soo this is it, experiment some tecniques, find what suits you best
The model il coming out really good, but as the others said keep in check the anatomy before sculpting the clothes.
I ended up with opening a lot of pages anyway XD Hehe..
and I rly dont mind you repling here, this way i dont always have to go through all the menus of DA when looking for the links in you reply, + maybe this way it'll actually be usefull for other ppl too!
thank you very much again, ill make sure to put your effort to good use