Hey. Just something little I've been working on. I'm kinda new to Unity and I'm trying to practise as much Unity essentials as I can.
The water is animated with an offset spritesheet script, although there are some seam errors for now. I set the project quality to 'Fantastic' but the SSAO and Soft shadows appear noisy and scattered. Is there any way to get more accurate and pretty shadows/SSAO ? Also I see a pretty neat Anti-aliasing on my viewport up there, but not when I actually play the scene. Would it be visible in the published exe ?
Suggestions & Comments are welcome :>

Also, I really like your foliage, how'd you make it?
Hey thanks for the reply. It's Unity Pro, I'm not sure about the lighting in Indie version. The water is completelt arbitrary at the moment, I'll probably replace it.
Here's a quick pic explaining how the foliage is made.
Hey. Unfortunately the shadow distance didn't do much good
No probs
Just don't mind the water for now