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Just released a game for Android - Core! Give it a try!

polycounter lvl 14
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commador polycounter lvl 14
For over the past year myself along with two friends have been working on a game. We took an early build with us to ECGC to get some feedback and it was a pretty good experience. We had planned on releasing it last summer, but life always has a nasty habit of mucking things up. So, after quite a few extra months, we have finally released Core. Its completely free to play, it has no ads, and is meant to be enjoyed. It does have in app purchases, but you don't actually need to buy anything to play. Why do this? We aren't looking for a money grab. We just want to make fun games. For now, its Android 4.0+ only, and we are working for an iOS release. So Polycount, let me know what you think. :)

Core on Google Play



  • Muzzoid
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    Muzzoid greentooth

    Looks like a cool game!
  • LensFlare
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    LensFlare polycounter lvl 7
    Downloaded it to my phone!

    I'll play it some the next coming days and give you a more informed opinion after.
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    Game is very well suited to tablet input, and mechanics are good for a mobile game.
    Pretty fun thing to play while on the bus or train, though I think the input could be improved as far as rotating/moving. Make that act more like scrolling on android where you can flick it a little for fast movement. I find trying to rotate 180deg takes a while since sensitivity is low, and I can't do a flick gesture.
  • commador
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    commador polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks for the comments guys!
    passerby wrote:
    Game is very well suited to tablet input, and mechanics are good for a mobile game.
    Pretty fun thing to play while on the bus or train, though I think the input could be improved as far as rotating/moving. Make that act more like scrolling on android where you can flick it a little for fast movement. I find trying to rotate 180deg takes a while since sensitivity is low, and I can't do a flick gesture.

    Believe it or not, it actually did behave this way. One of the newer android APIs changed how input was handled on newer versions of Android. We first noticed it on my Nexus 7 when it updated to 4.3 and we have been attempting to get it back to "normal" but every method so far has been hacky and ends up making things worse. The joys of development! :D
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    Ah, ya that is too bad.

    Was playing on a nexus 7 2013, running KitKat.

    Might get worked out eventually but from the sounds of it, the problem isn't yours but that of android, unity or the input lib you used.
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    Also is there a pause button at all?
  • commador
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    commador polycounter lvl 14
    Yes, just tap the timer for the pause menu.
  • ez_flow
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    ez_flow polycounter lvl 13
    Hey Commander,

    Congrats on releasing your game! Is there a way to optimize search engine queries on google play? I tried searching for your game using multiple queries. I had to type the exact name and format of your company "thetiddlybit" to find your game.

  • commador
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    commador polycounter lvl 14
    There are, but for Google Play its a bit tricky. Visibility (as far as I know) is based on a number of factors which Google isn't keen on sharing.
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