Maya has the ability to add an inbetween between two keyframes using the "addinbetween" function, as well as another function for removing a blank keyframe from the Timeslider.
This helps to nudge and retime keys on a selected object with efficiency, especially in scenes that span 100s of frames.
I'm looking for a script in 3dsMax that helps serve the same function.
I know next to nothing with Maxscript. So, I'm at a lost for how to set this up...or if it's even possible to do in Max.
I use Monster's KeyTools which has a "nudge left/right feature" you can assign it to a shortcut or add a button to the curve editor. It maintains tangent handles like Maya does.
I also suggest getting his replacement for "play animation" get keeps the curve editor from updating constantly while animation is playing in the viewport which can cause HUGE drop in FPS.
Sadly if you're using biped some of these scripts won't be all that helpful, but they work on regular max objects and bones just fine.
There's a slide keys tool you might find useful to. When you click and drag a key it pushes all the keys after/before it.
These tools n' tips should help do the trick