Hey guys, I have a pretty big problem, I am using this ocean shader I made which is fairly essential to the scene I'm creating. Which works fine and everything in the editor and when I launch the UDK.exe onto my map.
But when I cook the game in Unreal Frontend I get the error message
Warning, Failed to compile Material pkg_Project_Environment.Effects.Updated_Ocean_Shaderv2 for platform PC-D3D-SM3, Default Material will be used in game.
Warning, Failed to compile Material pkg_Project_Environment.Effects.Updated_Ocean_Shaderv2 for platform PC-OpenGL, Default Material will be used in game.
I've looked everywhere on the Epic Games forums and elsewhere for any kind of straight answers, I've heard it has to do with landscape materials but the problem is, this material is just a material.
Also, it works fine once it's cooked and open in the UDK.exe, but the package game via the installer I created just shows nothing.
Does anyone know the fix for this?
If so, you're a goddamn life saver.
I haven't found any fixes still.
Open your map within udk and your packages and reassure that no package including default udk packages have */are unsaved. In addition go back to this material, unhook and rehook it back, save the material and package, and reattempt the cook. (It may not do anything given your version, but at least it shouldn't hurt anything.)
What version of UDK are you using for this?
Is there anyway around this? It must be packaging the game as DX9
EDIT: Also Hapuu it's the UDK 2014-02 version
EDIT: Okay well, I fixed the crashed by doing a full rebuild and compile, but the messages still appear.
You need to make a fallback shader for the shader that won't compile and then place it in the fallback slot of the shader.
more info:
Yeah that's definitely gotta be it, on the DX9 renderer the shader possibly has too many instructions.
Cheers Sprunghunt, I'll give you guys feedback if it works. Fingers crossed!