Hi. I know that some of you have knowledge of Maya. In the past, I was too a Maya user, but due to the immense sum of money for the license, I decided to switch to Blender. In Blender, the problem was that everything was different, at the first glance. I couldn't even move the camera. It was like I was having my hands tightened by rope. Since then, I have tried to find a way to emulate the Maya behaviour in Blender. I have succeded creating a controll scheme, that matches what we have in Maya.
I have made a little guide on techniques used in Blender, in comparassion to Maya, and, in the same guide, I have posted the controll scheme file that works with the last version of Blender. I think this guide would be helpful for the community. Here is the guide:
p.s. Something I forgot to mention there: in Maya, we move the view with the View Cube. In Blender, we change the views with numpad.(2,4,6,7- rotate view; 5-change perspective, 0 - change cameras and '' . '' - focus on selected object.(works the same as Focus in Unity)
I think these resources would be really helpful for the community. The controll scheme would let you play with both Maya and Blender, without breaking habbits. What do you think?
In an other hand I find quite odd that's people need that's sort key configuration : I didn't see it by default in any other package like 3DS or Zbrush. Well, that' a personal though, I don't want to start a Interface-neverending-thread again and that don't make your work less great !
but this should be a great contribution to us maya artists if we ever move over or need certain tools ^_^