Man .. Finally got this thing done. I have been so busy with work I wasn't able to even finish the December monthly noob on time (or I am just really slow). However, I am all for finishing what you start and I had to make sure this gets finished before moving on to anything else.
One thing, the light coming through the window, its obviously supposed to be moon light... but its too white imo. think you should add some depp purple/dark blue to it.
Made some fixes. Snow fixed, Lighting Tweaked, added some blue to the shadows, fixed the floating log, fixed the bloom on the bulb, added a little more blue to the light beam, tweaked the glass shader on the lantern. That's what I can remember right now.
well, by looking at the post process and the way the lighting looks, i'm gonna guess UDK? it is looking better not, maybe still a little too much white, the textures being hit by the window light seem to be washing out.