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Problem with a head item for puck. So close to done.

polycounter lvl 8
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Esuka polycounter lvl 8
Hey everyone,

So I've been working on a head item for puck over the last two days, and I'm very nearly done. The LoD's are complete, the textures and the masks look fine, but I've run into a problem I can't make heads or tails of.

The item in question is a pair of horns (slightly updated since this image) that sit atop Puck's head. I used the existing bones to give the coins and pendant some bounce, and on the high detail model, everything looks good.

On the low detail model, one half of the set flies off into space. The only thing I can think is that the skeleton is freaking out, but the high detail uses the same rig and it's fine. If I can solve this issue, it will be good for submission. Any advice you might have on how to fix this one would be much appreciated.

Thanks everyone.


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