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Portfolio critique request

polycounter lvl 5
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createdbyi polycounter lvl 5
Hello polycounters,

I am looking for advice (brutal advice) on my porfolio. Anything from the layout of the site, to presentation of images, to quality of the work.




  • SuperFranky
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    SuperFranky polycounter lvl 10
    Did you read this? Very interesting, maybe it'll be helpful for you.
  • Joost
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    Joost polycount sponsor
    Portfolio looks pretty good. I'd put your best work at the top though. And maybe make the thumbnails and images as big as possible.
    Look at this for the thumbnail/image size http://polygoo.com/
  • silvershrimp
    Focus it, are you a character artist or a concept artist? Ditch the product design and drawings.
    Navigation on the left has far too much stuff in.
    Group your works, unfinished character, cartoon mouse, game character? Sculpts?
    Looks chronological to me. Group in style.
    Can you put the text under your work? Because if I click a thumb I want to see the images not an explanation.
    Your thumbs are oddly framed (top of a characters face in one instance), your backgrounds are a wild range of hues and values, consistancy for each style might be nice.

    Drop anything unfinished, the sculpts are pretty good - you need a better thumbnail as the grey one of the woman is weak.

    Guitarist needs rerendering, it lacks contrast. Mouse has far too many images.
    You could probably half the amount of work there, most employers wont bother to go through every thumbnail.

    Overall I think your stuff is really nice and very skilful, good luck!
  • createdbyi
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    createdbyi polycounter lvl 5
    @SuperFranky - I didn't catch that image before now. Thanks for sharing it with me.

    @komaokc - I'll look into making the thumbnails bigger, and combined with silvershrimp's advice on focusing my work, I think that is a good change to make.

    @silvershrimp - Thanks for the detailed critique and the positive words. I certainly need the outside perspective... especially since I have never excelled at marketing myself.

    I'll be going through and following your advice.
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