Hello, there!
I, as a total noob at retopo (you could say at the 3d thing at all), decided to give a try in making the topology of the model in the image below.

As you can see, it's kind of a mess xD
Anyway, the red circled part is what's giving me the headache. It has a lot of loops from the most detailed parts (nose and mouth) and I can't find a way to "get rid" of them, as they are probably not going to help me in defining the leg at all.
Am I missing something? Is this the result of bad planning? If so, what should I have done in order to avoid this? Any tips for improving this mesh ? (redoing it all, maybe?

And yes, I have searched everywhere for a good topology tutorial to get started, but I only found tons of human head topology specific stuff

Thank you for your time!
If you want to sculpt on this retopo you should try to build the loops in a way they stay in the areas of high details. Don't carry them around the whole model if possible.
If this is just a lowpoly then merge them down and work with triangles
I'm actually just doing this for the practice and I plan on rigging and animating it later.
I've heard that triangles might be bad for animation (deformation and subdiv-wise) and I'm doing my best to avoid them...
Do you believe that the best way to avoid carrying them along the model is using triangles? I can't see no other option so far.
If that's the way, where should I end those loops then?
Thank you again!
Anyhow.. I suggest to search a bit about topology and maybe just watching some wires from good basemeshes. Terminating loops is more about defining loops in the first place. Sometimes you have to rethink your edge flow.
If you're not sculpting again you can definitely use triangles.
I might do more research on it and rethink the edge flow, as you said.
This can be loose sketches, but I like to paint a topology map on the model for complex shapes. It's a little faster to work out overall edge flow that way, rather than getting this far and having to redo a lot of the major control loops.
A few hours lost on this, but at least I learned a valuable lesson! haha
Didn't have time to work on this guy the last few days, gonna plan it better and give it a second try this weekend!