Hey everyone!
Thought that I'd start a thread to post my "daily" sculpts at.
Critique and comments are most welcome, be honest! I won't cry for long, promise! :poly121:
Wow! never thought going through past sculpts would be this embarrassing... :poly136: Anyway, here goes, I started these in 2013, August.
First Daily:
Eh, well... not great, but I had to start somewhere! :poly142:

African Woman:
Somewhat pleased with her look, but a lot to work on.

Bad Guy:

Average Guy-Man:
Don't really know what I was trying to do here. :P

Female practice I guess. ^^

More female pratice!
Tried to sculpt Matthew McConaughey from True Detective and failed quite hard :P
Andy Whitfield:
This sculpt turned out kinda good, good some of the likeness down, maybe?
The Gentle Giant:
A humble giant, tried to give him a gentle look, might revisit this one
Tried to create an asian male, but it turned out quite generic.
I think this one turned out quite good, a little more character maybe?
As I said, critique and comments are most welcome, be blunt! Be honest!
Got to get better at lighting these renders though...
I'm mostly eyeballing my sculpts but I always have some sort of "plan" before I start, I try to gather as much references as I can on different faces, eyes, noses and other parts to make my own little "potato head" head :P
Portfoliopiece waiting to be finished, so far very rough and kinda all over the place design-wise. Just throwing on ideas and see what sticks.
Right now it is quite busy to look at, no places to rest your eyes so I'll try to make some decisions and stick with them.
Any comments and critiques are much appreciated!
The hair really needs to get updated but forms and design needs to be done too!
For the armor I sculpted the rough shapes and then I think I zremeshed it as low as I could. After that I tweaked it to the shape I wanted and creased the edges with the zmodeler brush.
For the Golden trim bits I simply copied the armor and inflated it -1 under deformation tab and then simply sculpted the triming, and polish with hPolish
Hope it helps
crappy render
More progress and polypaint
Turn-around with polypaint
All in zbrush for now, will create a body for him and som clothes in MD later.