Bit of a noob question for you animators out there and those proficient with UDK, but is it possible to animate your entire level?
For example, the level I'm making is based out in the ocean and I want the player to feel like they're floating in the vessel, what's the best way to give off this illusion?
I am not really educated on Kismet or Matinee, so I'd probably have to have this one broken down for me to really understand the steps involved, although when I think about it, it shouldn't be that complicated.
Anyway thanks guys again
As a platform, the player would need to base on it so they don't slide around.
Alternatively, if you can't get the player to base on your vessel properly, or you require them to climb or jump or something, you could animate the water and camera. The camera would rock and sway. To do this, you'd want to place a camera and attach it to the player in order to control it with matinee.
If it was a small one I would animate the vessel itself, if it was a large ship then I would animate everything around it.
But yeah I do like the idea of the camera being attached to the player to give the illusion of swaying in the ocean, how can I pull that off?
Also the player size would constantly change, Ive also been trying to figure out how to make the player a specific size upon spawn.
I can't remember what it's called, but I think there is a way to control camera animation in the post process chain. I remember doing it for a cinematic because the default had this annoying subtle bob/move.
I'll let you know what it is tonight, no udk here.
This will open up a matinee for you to animate camera movement. Then you just hook it up to your camera actor in kismet. I think the node is Play Camera Animation. Something like that.
This way should allow you to move the camera freely with the additional animation of the CameraAnim.
One thing related to materials, do you know anything about a warning in UDK material editor saying "warning X4008 floating point division by zero"?
It's gonna prevent me from cooking and making it into an executable.. Which is unfortunate because I need this particular shader to work, since it's pretty central to the scene
EDIT: Nevermind, the material seems to work in editor, fingers crossed it cooks out the game okay...
It's 4AM here and UDK'ing all day has destroyed me haha.