Final Render:

Hey all! Started working on a tiling soil and pebbles texture.
My goals for this project are....
1. Go out and take reference photos. Understand the subject im working with.
2. Achieve a photo real look and proper PBR set up.
3. Use photos as a base for sculpt.
4. Work as much in ZBrush as possible once my heightmap is created.
5. Render out in Marmoset 2.
With that photo real look in mind I went out this weekend and took photos for reference, as well as gathered reference online. Decided to go for a dirt that has movement, not a compact dirt. As well, I want to have a variety of pebbles and other debris throughout the texture to offset the dirt and move the eye around.
Reference Images

Progress Render
This first pass render is using a normal map, height map, and a flat albedo color.

Look forward to your thoughts and feedback.
This is what I try to explain to a lot of people your most important passes are PBR settings and Normals. I already know this will look good at the end due to a well planned workflow.
@rogelio- Glad you like the workflow and that you think the read is there already!
@JamieRIOT- Cool!
Updates- Added more stones and varied the size of some stones. I also sunk more of them into the dirt to give them a more grounded and believable feel. As well, I added a first pass of twigs to the dirt.
Progress Render
Awesome start man!
This passs I added more defined twigs and wood debris, as well as some blades of grass.
Next pass I am going to do a little more debris rough up the stones that are there. As well as do first pass on diffuse.
@luthyn- I think you will see with this updated pass that their is more height variation now that the AO map is plugged in.
Additional debris added to the tile. Diffuse and spec pass. Looking at the photo ref I have everything is pretty bland with a lot of dirt or dust on top of it so I tried to keep that feel.
Look forward to thoughts.
However you should either add a few weeds or make the dirt look more dry/arid like your reference images.
@Sebvhe- I desaturated the dirt and brightened it a bit.
@rogelio- Wow thanks for the kind words. That would be awesome if this ended up in the Wiki.
@narticus- I am usingg Displacement, Normal, Albedo, Microsurface/Roughness, and Reflectivity.
Here is my latest render and breakdowns.
On the technical side, looks good...did you bake some cavity into your diffuse map? Can't tell. As far as the Roughness and Spec Color go, I think the color is ok. The roughness of the dirt might be able to go darker? It does feel a bit wet tho that might be your lighting setup.
Great work overall. Presentation is also top notch!
Thanks for all the feedback. I really wanted this thread at be a shared learning experience when I set out doing it. If you guys have any questions on how I did something please let me know.
@DWalker- When creating a texture I am checking tiling and consistency on a regular basis, both in ZBrush and in Photoshop. The cylinder is for presentation purposes for my portfolio to keep a consistent look.
@Dave Jr- Really glad you found help with this thread! Cant wait to see what you come up with.
Good texture Josh.