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UE4 and transucent/soft mask materials

polycounter lvl 10
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NomadSoul2501 polycounter lvl 10
Hi everyone,

I'll cut straight to it.
I'm porting a scene from UDK over to UE4 and I had a snow shader that was set to translucent so that I could play with the opacity whenever the snow intersected with other objects.
It gave it a nice wet/runny effect.

Now in UE4 setting it to translucent lights the whole object up as if it's beeing lit from another world!
I can't find a way to not make it glow. I can't think of a way to get anything to have a soft alpha for that matter.

Has anyone figured out how to get a soft masked material or how not to make anything translucent glow?

Here's what it looked like in UDK

I really liked the effect and any help would be greatly appreciated.



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