Hey guys. You may have seen a bunch of these lately, but I just wanted to post mine up. We had 2 weeks to work out this project with the following restrictions:
Hi poly: 3 day deadline
Lo poly with UVs: 5 day deadline
Bakes/ Textures cleanup: 6 days
30k tri max
2k diff / spec / norm / gloss
UDK package with cube map and all textures in shader
Here's my steps up to my final "calling it good enough" model.
LoPoly with wires:
Lo with maps in UDK:
I just feel there is not enough dirt and scratches on it. It's weird that you have those big black impact all over the texture but the texture in itself is pretty clean.
Also think about presentation. That checkered plane isn't the prettiest background
Theres a link to an article about his process there.
And yeh, Jaker, I didn't really have any say on the design. Some functionality may not make sense, but I'm just going to chalk that up to the fiction of science fiction.=)