Can someone briefly explain what each map is, and what I put into each map? I don't understand all this physics stuff, and how light reacts, I know I should know it, but I just can't grasp it.
PBR explained simply:
Albedo = diffuse
roughness = basically glossiness
reflectivity = specular
metalness = how coloured is the specular
The best way I have found is to look at PBR texture sheets and reverse engineer it. Observe what they have done in each map and use that as guide to what your maps should look like.
Some very quick and dirty tips to get started:
1. Remove most, if not all the AO from your albedo and use it in the appropriate AO slot in your shader. Try and use mostly flat colours and keep the overall brightness neutral and not too dark.
2. Put all the little details (fine scratches, wear, grease/fingerprints) in your gloss map, this map is going to have the most detail. It is also going to include base values which will dictate the glossiness of each material.
3. Keep your spec map to flat values. If there is a change in material for example painted metal to bare metal, it should be included here.
Diffuse colors only with no baked lighting or ambient occlusion information present. Only flat colors. This texture simulates the color we see from light penetrating into the surface of an object and then leaving again, having certain wavelengths behind in the process. Skin, plastic, wood, and most other materials aside from metal will make use of the albedo texture.
Glossiness, though with the added effect of making less-glossy areas slightly darker since they reflect slightly less light towards the camera. Basically tells the engine where the cubemap reflections should be more or less blurry. You should be putting a lot of work into this texture because it will make or break your materials. Things like dents and scratches will affect this texture, but not the reflectivity/specular texture.
This is the amount of ambient light reflected from the surface. It should generally use very flat colors as things like scratches and dents do not affect how much light is actually being reflected, only the direction in which the light is going.
Darkens the albedo and uses the colors of the albedo to color the reflection/specular. Because albedo is actually a representation of sub-surface scattering (albeit very shallow), you see very little to none of the albedo of fully metallic surfaces. Thus, the albedo is darkened and its color is used to drive the color of reflections. Depending upon implementation, you could just ignore this entirely and only use reflectivity/specular and color your spec map appropriately.
PBR explained simply:
Albedo = diffuse
roughness = basically glossiness
reflectivity = specular
metalness = how coloured is the specular
Some very quick and dirty tips to get started:
1. Remove most, if not all the AO from your albedo and use it in the appropriate AO slot in your shader. Try and use mostly flat colours and keep the overall brightness neutral and not too dark.
2. Put all the little details (fine scratches, wear, grease/fingerprints) in your gloss map, this map is going to have the most detail. It is also going to include base values which will dictate the glossiness of each material.
3. Keep your spec map to flat values. If there is a change in material for example painted metal to bare metal, it should be included here.
Hope that helps
Diffuse colors only with no baked lighting or ambient occlusion information present. Only flat colors. This texture simulates the color we see from light penetrating into the surface of an object and then leaving again, having certain wavelengths behind in the process. Skin, plastic, wood, and most other materials aside from metal will make use of the albedo texture.
Glossiness, though with the added effect of making less-glossy areas slightly darker since they reflect slightly less light towards the camera. Basically tells the engine where the cubemap reflections should be more or less blurry. You should be putting a lot of work into this texture because it will make or break your materials. Things like dents and scratches will affect this texture, but not the reflectivity/specular texture.
This is the amount of ambient light reflected from the surface. It should generally use very flat colors as things like scratches and dents do not affect how much light is actually being reflected, only the direction in which the light is going.
Darkens the albedo and uses the colors of the albedo to color the reflection/specular. Because albedo is actually a representation of sub-surface scattering (albeit very shallow), you see very little to none of the albedo of fully metallic surfaces. Thus, the albedo is darkened and its color is used to drive the color of reflections. Depending upon implementation, you could just ignore this entirely and only use reflectivity/specular and color your spec map appropriately.