I'm working on a Scaleform HUD and my ActionScript (which is directly copied from
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8oM808ETWs) is having some really interesting errors. The screenshot below shows them:
Here's the AS code I have:
import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
import gfx.motion.Tween;
function init()
_root.Health._yrotation = 30;
_root.Ammo._yrotation = 30;
I looked in the UDK_hud.fla file and found some of the code I have is identical to what's there (except it compiles). I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated asap. Thank you.
Try using
The link there gives you kismet HUD nodes, which can do the same thing you want to do and the best part is they're kismet! No need to jump between two programs, just pop it in, drop down some nodes and your golden. Tutorials are there too.