Not sure where's the best section to post this but hey, here it goes.
I've been messing around with my website layout, having a look at HTML 5.
Basically I just need people's opinions - does it get to the art quick enough? Is it clear? Is the order okay, whatever you think necessary. Bare in mind it's still a work in progress and I plan on adding more artwork.
Thanks in advanced!
Also, images should come first, then videos (if you have them)
The description for your main project could take up a 50px tall strip across the screen with some images visible at the same time, instead you have a full page for it for no reason.
Your 'more projects' link at the top goes to the Kiandra project content.. I'd get rid of the link until you have a different project to put there.
Why do the preview images all look so washed out? The only time that is "useful" to some effect is when mouse-over makes the proper image show. At the moment it just makes them look worse.
TL;DR More art less filler!
Ideally, a simple quick to load page of html with images should load.
If I were in your shoes, I'd do one of two things.
1. Have one page dedicated to all your art that just continues to scroll down.
2. Have image links of your art that link to pages dedicated to each piece of art.
Some of the people that have commented have examples of this in their own portfolio sites in their signatures.
With option 2 make sure you change the orientation of your image links based on whether you are a character artist or environment artist. Character art suits a vertical image best, while environment art suits a horizontal image best.
Another thing I don't like is unless I read through your about info, which frankly not many art directors etc will want to do I would have no idea what kind of art you wish to focus in. Right under your name in the header you should declare what you are.
I also think it's important to have your contact info in the header and footer, as it creates less work for the person looking over your portfolio. Seeing your art should be effortless for an art director or hiring manager. They will have to go through tons of portfolios, and they are not going to want it to be a time consuming process.