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Maya Python \ Mel - select polygons inside edges

polycounter lvl 11
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Saf polycounter lvl 11
I need mel or python script to highlight polygons inside edges.

ConvertSelectionToContainedFaces not working
Thanks for any help!


  • c.buliarca
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    c.buliarca polycounter lvl 11
    Hope this helps, the problem is that the script doesn't know witch side to select but it will select one side, if it's the wrong one you just have to use Inverse Selection(Ctrl+Shift+I)

    string $selE[] =`ls -sl -fl`;
    int $selTyp = `selectType -q -meshComponents`;
    string $temp[];
    tokenize $selE[0] "."  $temp;
    string $theObj = $temp[0];
    polyUVSet -create -uvSet "TempWWWUvSetB" $theObj;
    polyUVSet -currentUVSet -uvSet "TempWWWUvSetB" $theObj;
    int $fObj1[] = `polyEvaluate -f`;
    string $ffObj = ($theObj+".f[0:"+$fObj1[0]+"]");
    select -r $theObj;
    polyProjection -ch 1 -type Planar -ibd off -kir  -md z $ffObj;
    polyMapCut -ch 1 $selE;
    select -r ($theObj+".map["+$fObj1[0]+"]");
    polySelectBorderShell 0;
    string $shUV[] = `ls -sl -fl`;
    string $myFaces[] = `polyListComponentConversion -fuv -tf -in`;
    select -r $myFaces;
    polyUVSet -uvs "TempWWWUvSetB" -delete;
    hilite -r $theObj;
    if($selTyp == 1){
      selectType -meshComponents true;  
        selectType -pf true;
  • Saf
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    Saf polycounter lvl 11
    Thank you very much, added invertSelection; now works as wanted :thumbup:
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