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College Assginment: Pricing a Hardsurface Gun

polycounter lvl 8
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JSM polycounter lvl 8
Hi Guys, Soooo…I have college assignment for my Business for Creative’s class. I’m supposed to ask around 10 video game business(in Northern Colorado ha!) how much they charge for a specific task, a task that I as an video game hardsuface artist hope to do one day. In this case I thought I would ask all of you guys, since there’s pretty much only 5 game studios in all of Colorado (who probably don’t want to be bothered)

So my question to all of you is: “How much would you charge someone for a textured hardsuface gun, that was around 5,000 – 10,000 tris and would be used/seen by the player in third person view?”


  • AlecMoody
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    AlecMoody ngon master
    I only work day rates. Working on a per asset rate is a recipe for getting your time wasted/exploited. Figure out what your day rate is and ballpark a total cost based on how many 8 hour days it would take you to finish. Also, add about 30% more time for revisions and client disorganization.

    That said, I would expect a gun with a high/low bake + texturing to end up at 5-12 work days depending on the concept and the client.
  • JordanN
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    JordanN interpolator
    20 cents per polygon. 50 cents per pixel. :poly142:
  • Lazerus Reborn
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    Lazerus Reborn polycounter lvl 8
    AlecMoody wrote: »
    "..." Also, add about 30% more time for revisions and client disorganization.

    This right here is something really dam important to include. I've had contracts that drag for weeks because of a lazy/un-organised client. Led to a few hand-offs with work where i was actually being exploited on a "small changes" for close to 5 days extra work and they wanted more. I stopped all work and called them to a face to face meeting and gave valid/justified reasons, though some clients tend to spit there dummies out when told no...

    For your specific "assignment" why not calculate the standard living wage for that area. Use a range of daily/hourly values based off of the game devs current wage rate and so on.

    Though it seems your shortcut has backfired so get calling companies for quotes ;)
  • gilesruscoe
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    gilesruscoe polycounter lvl 10
    I tend to go by day and half day measurements and charge for revisions. Definitely agree that adding a base % for revisions is a good idea, but be sure to start charging extra on top of that once you get passed 2 sets of revisions. Client disorganization is a HUGE factor, expect to be paid 2 weeks after they told you they will pay as well, especially with larger companies....*sigh*
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    You'd get actual numbers if you asked what freelancers charge for 3 weeks of work and have a way to anonymously send that information to you.
  • radiancef0rge
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    radiancef0rge ngon master
    ZacD wrote: »
    You'd get actual numbers if you asked what freelancers charge for 3 weeks of work and have a way to anonymously send that information to you.
    yeah this
  • JSM
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    JSM polycounter lvl 8
    ZacD wrote: »
    You'd get actual numbers if you asked what freelancers charge for 3 weeks of work and have a way to anonymously send that information to you.
    Great Idea!

    Okay all you freelancers could you please send/email me how much you charge for 3 weeks of work.

    Here is my email: jsm.modeling.texturing@gmail.com

    And you can use: http://send-email.org/ to remain anonymous
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    what is this image bullcrap..copy/paste your email

  • JSM
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    JSM polycounter lvl 8
    low odor wrote: »
    what is this image bullcrap..copy/paste your email
    I'm not about to get spammed by every spam bot and his mom...typing from an image it's not that hard...
    Posting your email in text on a forum will result in spam everytime.

  • Brandon.LaFrance
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    Brandon.LaFrance polycount sponsor
    I'm curious to see the answers to this one, too.


    Spam be damned!
  • Shrike
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    Shrike interpolator
    Pricing is always a tricky one.
    So if youre a bad artist and terribly slow you get paid quadruple because you take weeks to complete an asset that someone else could do In a couple days ?

    Also what does 3 weeks of work even mean ? do you work parttime, do you work only from 5 to 7? Whats that in manhours. Charging per asset, charging per time spent, charging per days ?
    Freelance is full of monetary problems
  • Michael Knubben
    "a way to anonymously send that information to you.". Email is not that. Set up a survey on your Google Docs, it's easy and anonymous.
  • JSM
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    JSM polycounter lvl 8
    MightyPea wrote: »
    "a way to anonymously send that information to you.". Email is not that. Set up a survey on your Google Docs, it's easy and anonymous.
    That's why you use : http://send-email.org/ to send the email to me. No set up you just send an anonymous email.

    Btw I will post an average of how much people are charging in a week or so.
  • JSM
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    JSM polycounter lvl 8
    Search the forums for anything posted by Jon Jones. Here's the particular post that applies to what you're asking about:


    ooh thanks! So far the emails I've gotten support those numbers. :)
  • tynew
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    tynew polycounter lvl 9
    To be honest the rates that Jon posted seem incredibly high. A 3rd world country of artists are really getting paid those rates? Seems unlikely. Those overseas rates look more accustomed to what freelancers in 1st world countries would be getting.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    JSM wrote: »
    I'm not about to get spammed by every spam bot and his mom...typing from an image it's not that hard...
    Posting your email in text on a forum will result in spam everytime.

    Spambots can use OCR to read your email off of that image, that's why captchas are always barely legible. Spam just comes with the territory, if you really care keep a separate work and personal email.
  • WarrenM
    Yeah, pro tip ... spam bots are on to that one. A loooooong time ago.
  • JSM
    Offline / Send Message
    JSM polycounter lvl 8
    Spambots can use OCR to read your email off of that image, that's why captchas are always barely legible. Spam just comes with the territory, if you really care keep a separate work and personal email.
    WarrenM wrote: »
    Yeah, pro tip ... spam bots are on to that one. A loooooong time ago.

    Okay, okay guys I'll just post my straight up email lol :)
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