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Questions about SET BOXs

these new chests are very interesting. They are more like the boxes from CS:GO. or rather the economy of the boxes are more like CS:GO

in CS:GO you can only buy keys for random drops on weapon skins. those skins are then instantly sellable on the community market. Base lining any skin cost at 2.50 then letting the community decide what the asset is actually worth.

for instance the Venge set is currently selling for 18 dollars and it was selling for 35 dollars earlier last night. if the creators are getting a cut of those secondary sales on top of the 2.50 split from the key. is that making you more or less money then putting the sets in the dota store in a traditional way like say for 7.99.

on the other hand a lot of the easier to open sets are getting a split of 2.50 and then selling for 1.25 (i bought the amazing LC set at that price)a set i'd have honestly bought at 3.99 or higher.

I guess does the bulk sale of creators sets via keys make up for the split in profit / opening the set to the secondary market?

what are your reactions? to early to tell? do creators even get a percentage of any secondary sale of their items via the community marketplace?

and if i've broken any rules about polycount or Valve don't talk about cash here... i'm super sorry please don't ban me.


  • GhostDetector
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    GhostDetector polycounter lvl 10
    I watched a video that was posted in one of the threads here, and it was basically a valve representative talking about the game economies and how and its effects. He mentioned that initially, the chest system in tf2 was flawed and caused the community to hate valve because when you open a chest, you spend $2.50 however the items inside were worth less tha $2.50, therefore the person who opened the chest looses money. Its the same thing with dota right now. If you look at the market, you spend 1 key to open a chest and you'd probably just get a rare item (which is worth way less than a key). So basically you have to hope for an unusual courier or a mythical item to actually get your key's worth. Due to recent events, rares and mythicals are even worth less than they were before.

    So now Valve is testing a new system, (like tf2's current system)* where the items you get from the chest are worth more than the key and the community will decide on its pricing.

    As for secondary sales, I'm pretty sure the creaters do get some money.

    The system itself is very flawed because everyone can just say that the set is worth 1/2 a key thus making less money than selling outside the chest. (I'm not really sure how much money is generated by chests or sets though)

    I also don't think you broke any rules, there was this one guy who created a thread and asked how much money people made in revenue, which actually turned out to people starting to talk about how to file papers to get revenue.


    *its from what I heard from the video
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Ghost, thank you for sharing these details. Very interesting stuff.
  • Shock
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    Shock polycounter lvl 5
    what i wonder is: is that the end of single items?
  • AndrewHelenek
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    AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6
    Shock wrote: »
    what i wonder is: is that the end of single items?

    :thumbdown: I surely hope not.
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    What's weird about single items is that going through the store all I find for heros is sets.

    How can you see single items?
  • AndrewHelenek
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    AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6
    Baddcog wrote: »
    What's weird about single items is that going through the store all I find for heros is sets.

    How can you see single items?

    They removed all single items from the store a while back, basically making it so chests would be the main source for singles. Sadly, that changed as well.
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    That sucks, whats the point of making single items then... barely any crates, no instore purchase...


    So all of a sudden I feel like the monthly challenge is a waste of time.
  • BrontoThunder
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    BrontoThunder polycounter lvl 13
    I don't think that just because there's one instance of a chest containing sets that we should assume that from now one no more single items will ever be in chests. This is most likely a one-off if not very rare case.

    I think one way or another there is not enough information to make a definite claim.
  • ike_ike
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    ike_ike polycounter lvl 12
    don't forget there were a few random single item bundles not too long ago.

    i figure volve's just testing the waters
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    Well, I thought they had just encouraged single items, but not being able to find the proof in the store... yeah I dunno, Valve.. I honestly think they don't know either lol
  • AndrewHelenek
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    AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6
    I don't think that just because there's one instance of a chest containing sets that we should assume that from now one no more single items will ever be in chests. This is most likely a one-off if not very rare case.

    I think one way or another there is not enough information to make a definite claim.

    Of course not, I'm just hoping they bring them back sooner rather then later. Personally, I really enjoyed when valve was doing a monthly singles chest, it was to see what the new chest would be themed after and such.
  • BrontoThunder
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    BrontoThunder polycounter lvl 13
    Of course not, I'm just hoping they bring them back sooner rather then later. Personally, I really enjoyed when valve was doing a monthly singles chest, it was to see what the new chest would be themed after and such.

    Absolutely! They were consistently one of my favourite things about the in-game items and I always looked forward to what the next chest would be. They've altered a few older chests and have added the new feature of there being no duplicates so it looks like they're definitely putting some new focus on them.
  • Konras
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    Konras polycounter lvl 12
    I must admit this is really interesting. I checked prices of those sets and their average price is more or less around price of the key. So I assumed that:
    - sets more expensive than key will be obtained by opening chest
    - cheaper sets will be bought from market
    However as always things are not working as my not familiar with economics head would assume. It came out after looking on number of items sold that LS was bought almost 2x compared to Void in given timeframe.

    Also funny thing is that from what I see set bundle after being opened is no longer marketable and thus will not return to community market.
  • GhostDetector
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    GhostDetector polycounter lvl 10
    Now you can get most of the sets for less than a key. The VS set worth 10 times that amount. I think is basically the rarity of an item makes the value.
    If there's only one mythical in the chest, then the mythical would be worth a lot more than a key. If there was a legendary, all other items become very cheap (even mythical ones).

    What I don't understand is, people decided that you can get the rarest or most prized item from the chest for a single key (trade 1key to someone who has it). That makes every other item worth less than a key, therefore many people won't buy keys because of the risk. Which valve loses potential revenue

    When sets were introduced to the chests, now even the new sets are worth less than a key in the community market!
    Basically, you can only increase your item's revenue by bundling it with other items (taunts, animations, particles)

    The only way I can see that market prices rise for the 2 chest types: Set and Singles. Singles chests have a higher drop rate than the sets chests, while the sets chest have mythical drop rate(not chest mythical). This way, more items can get into the game as well as the market prices for the sets would increase (more demand)
  • Konras
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    Konras polycounter lvl 12
    I don't know if people look on rarity as Lifestealer (rare) is more expensive than Doom (mythical) from same chest. I guess people just want what they like :)

    At the end of the day Valve has a lot more data to analyze than anyone and I am sure they will chose a system that will provide them with highest revenue, and highest revenue for Valve = higher revenue for us :)
  • GhostDetector
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    GhostDetector polycounter lvl 10
    Basically what I'm saying is that, if you want items to be worth more, you need items to be worth less just so that there is more potential to items being worth more.

    For example.
    If there were a singles chest that came out with the sets in the recent patch, then all of the set bundles would be worth way more than it is now (if there are less sets chest than singles) because community would think, these singles are worth less than the sets. The singles would take the value of previous single items chests, while the sets would have a greater value since the singles took the low value.

    The community thought, what set is the least wanted in this chest? Then they price it like all the unwanted items in the past (very cheap).

    Maybe there can be a chest which has both singles and sets. That would definitely increase the value of the set, and valve will get more money!
  • cottonwings
    Basically, singles=common and sets= uncommon and above for the chest opening rate eh? Sounds amazing for an idea I think! But I'm not sure it'll cause buyers to treat singles as "trash-tier" drops. Perhaps it might create even a huger line between sets and singles?

    And yes I really missed the hype for monthly chests! It used to be the fun quickie activity in-between exhausting heroes set creations. Hopefully this will be back to the usual after this F2P event.
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