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Surface modifier problem with spline modeling.

polycounter lvl 9
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MeshMagnet polycounter lvl 9
I'm having a weird issue with spline modeling in 3ds max.

For some reason, when I add the surface modifier to my spline skeleton, I get this issue with some of the surface having double edges.

Maybe this pic will help explain it a bit better:


What's happening is some of the polies have 2 edges, instead they should just be fused.

Any idea?



  • PixelsGenerated
    Don't know what's happing but, the things I usually try is to fuse the point of the spline, that way they are 100% on top of each other.

    Also it try to convert your spline points first to corner and then back smooth / bezier corner.

    Have you tried playing with the steps / interpolation of the spline itself ?

    Also if you are working in max 2013 i can take a look if you post the file.

    Good Luck !
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