I switched to max 14 student version and I get something I never had with older max version.
My problem is, when I try to move a vertex/edge in a view (let's say front view), MAX moves the vertex in y althought, I should be only be able to move it in x/z...
If I move up a vertex in front view, it goes up but also moves to the right in the left view for exemple... O_o
I don't understand... I never had problem like this one...
I'm modeling a building so I use snap to grid so I can export a nice model in udk. But it seems it use the 3 directions to snap even in 2D view. Real pain.
You can access to the snap settings here.
I'll try with grid lines on.
Max seems to have trouble fiding the grid points...
Right click on the snaps > Options > Enable Axis Constraints (make sure it's ticked)
Thx you both for your help