Hi all, I have a imported several mesh from maya to cryengine3 and there is a thing that has been bugging me a bit while placing the things around, the pivot point doesn't seem to be in the center of the object but casted away in a random direction, I'll show examples of my imported house and a barrel that was already in CE3, so you know what I mean.
I tried to look for previous forum entries for this but found nothing, even on google, if this was already been posted, I apologize. It's something I've been working around with some pulling and pushing of the model, but it's always handy to know how to do things right.
If you move your object to 0 0 0 and export does the pivot come out in the right spot?
I've and to do that with quite a few engines over the years. I wrote scripts that move your object, export and then move it back, because it was so annoying.
There might be some settings to force the pivot, if not you'll have to move and export, or just keep it at 0 0 0.