What up everyone??
So im kicking off a new project...
I love 40k it is an amazing universe but i wanted to tell another story and push my art. Usually with 40k you are focused on the epic battle stories...but i want to tell a story of an outpost of humans and or imp guard that are on a jungle death world (very much like the movie avatar) and are drilling for oil.
I want to create a realistic evn showing where the workers lived and worked, down to like the asian food they at the food court and the space cola they drank. its going to be alot of work and super fun challenge, but i would love for everyone to add their 2 cents
i am still on the fence on the time of day of the final piece totally open to suggestions lol
the drill rig will be a futureistic varient of the scud truck with a heavy duty drill rig on the back
i dervived the terrain from a hieght map i got from nasa ...i think it needs to be smoothed out but this is the very early stages so all comments totally welcome
Please let me know what yall think
I do like the idea of creating a larger part of the 40k universe though, good luck on your project!
i have smoothed it out alot....its crazy thought i had to blur out the texture alot to get it to be this smooth
Height map
I also started the out side of the garage with some vent work and wall of the garage...i feel the vent work needs to be sleeker....and transition better into the structure.....the outer 4 sided shapes will be lights that will illum when open (red) and closed (green) maybe with a small sub light (blue) under the main light and now as bright
So while im writing this i think i figured out how to make it more sleek, ill move the side of the garage so that it is flush with the highlighted red edge and when open you will see it displayed in the image and when closed all the vents will be closed shut
what do yall think feel free to crit my design and modeling and just everything yall have a great night
again any design tweeks or comments greatly appreciated!
so since Epic released to UE4 to the public today i thought i would be a good time to swtich....so....here we go the terrain in UE4!!! need to smooth out the areas for drill rig and base, but i must say UE4 is very sweet
But i decided to spread the love and start fleshing out some of the areas in the compound like the eating area, added the two food places and a row of "space cola" machines in the back and of coarse the actual tables hahaha the green cubes are about 6ftx6ftx6ft
I was also able to get the basic shape of the housing....kinda thinking that the big corners at the top and middle should have like big bronze eagle heads on them to be in keeping with 40k/imp gaurd sort of stuff
but anyway let me know what you guys think/feel comments and crits totally welcome
My only crit with the structure is I'd like to see more Gothic architecture influence in some of the structures. You don't need to add a bunch, but a lancet window, ribbed vault-style supports, or even a flying buttress or two wouldn't go amiss. Also, don't forget skulls on everything .
@Der Hollander you are right i need some more gothic stuff in there i got a plan for that haha
@AlexCatMasterSupreme you are absolutily right in future I'll make sure they are not default mat colors . for ref i had been kinda shying away from that, and just creating as i go..looking and pics and just formulating what id make on the fly..wich is totally the wrong way....
so i have decided to suck it up and do what im not good at, concept art ....so here is a WIP of the compound...any help or tips of mat painting would be so greatly appreciated as this is the weakest link in my skill set
STI (star tech industries) is the company owns the drill site and the compound operating in various conditions to help fuel the front lines of the war of the 41st millennium. From asteroid mining to oil to various and rare moon minerals STI is like today Chevron. I really liked what doom did with UAC and i kinda want to take that as a stepping point. they had thier logo and posters about what they did all over the labs, id like to do somthing similar in this env. so i created a logo sheet for them, what do yall think?
Space Cola! the cola of the the 41st millennium! these machines can be found in the cafeteria and in the apartment buildings. which one do yall like?
I also need to come up with 2 food venues for the cafeteria.
Let me know what you guys think.
Warhammer is this 1920 / World war 1 / Gothic setting, and you need to go bold
and with serifs. Blackletter maybe, that sort of thing.
Also mining company, that needs to convey "big cold supercompany"
And "Space cola" really takes away the serious in your setting, and 40K is the most grimdark there is.
@Shrike good point! I see it now that you bring it up thank you. I have done six more that i feel better capture the feel of the world let me know what you think.
As for the Space cola, im going to table that name, very good call @Shrike i completely agree, hopefully tomorrow i can present yall with some better names
Im hoping to put alot of work into it this weekend
Thank you for the input @count vader
i just wanted to show yall some modeling progess ive done this so far this weekend....but im at a good stopping point, going to grab some food and recharge a bit and then hit it humming, let me know what yall think
so just a little update, i was able to work on the env this weekend, was able to to start blocking out the main hq, the gate, living quarters, mess area, and landing pad.
The living quarters is giving me issues especially since im trying to make it actually livable....idk about its size...and id like to of them which would mean making the base bigger....might happen hahaha
let me know what yall think
got some assets in engine, still block out phase but im diggin it let me know what yall think!
Can you run around and post some shots from a players perspective?
It'd be interesting to see the scale
and here you go, some screen shots from eye level
i think my scale is a bit to small judging from the last screen shot but im close
let me know what yall think
So i have expanded the base and separated the different areas of the base.
there is the living area and the industrial area at the moment the living area seems a bit sparse....but ill come up with something lol
i feel there are to make towers on the walls....maybe ever other one gets axed?
i also added a unified garage landing pad, this will be able to store vehicles such as the drill rigs and pick up trucks well as cargo and scout air craft
I added addition oil storage on the side of the mechanics shope
What do yall think ?
anyway, the buildings have gotten a slight increase in size and i have rearanged the base as well as redesigned the HQ and the airfield
I have added a slew of new buildings, oil Refinery, Biomass removal station, Armory and bio Lab
The oil refinery is next to the garage and the biomass removal is on the left side of the road leading into the oil area, the armory and bio lab are on the right side of the base right as you enter
also i have decided to change the way you enter the base, instead of a gate you will have to drive through an underground tunnel that way if a creature would be to attempt to break in via the tunnel you could concentrate you fire in one location and have the beast pinned.
I think that is all for this update, next up will be putting all this into UE4 to see how it playes with the player char
please let me know what yall think crits comments welcome
This has a very 'Avatar' feel to it now, more than 40k but I'm sure that will change.
I think i need to do a bit more explaining now, lol
I did start this proj off with out putting thought into it and being like yeah! lets create a sweet env.
But I've been putting some thought into it recently and i really want to go back to what got me into CG in the first place. Level design. I think this is a great opportunity to do this. This is going to be a HUGE project and will take a long time and have a lot of intricate moving bits to make this a success.
It has been my passion to make video games I haven't had the opportunity to do so, right now i am working for a very highly respected sim company....but its not making games....so i want to do everything i can to make games....hence why this project is so massive in scale it'll essentially be a stand alone game when its done 100% I'm just an artist so i want to do as much as i can on my end and then find a programmer to help me finish off the last bit
So with that being said, I want to make this a death match, capture the flag and maybe bombing run level.
This will be Asymmetrical and have 2 bases the first base is the one you are looking and the 2nd base will be located in the jungle and be more of like a camp (this still needs to be fleshed out more ) with like generators and cables on the ground temporary buildings but be fortified by natural structures. I'm envisioning a base in a cave with a water fall in front of the opening.
The game types will include vehicles since the projected size of this level will be between 32-64.
The Vehicles that will be created for this level include
-fighter aircraft 1 to operate
-cargo aircraft fitted for combat (futuristic ac-130) 2 to operate holds 7 with special stealth drop ability where passengers of the craft can drop out and be invisible for a few seconds.
-Tank 2 to operate
-Truck with gun on back 2 to operate holds 4
I am envisioning about 3-5 weapons futuristic in style and function...but this area needs to be fleshed out as well
I expect this to take at least a year if not more and that's ok its about doing what i love to do and one day being able to play it
Asset List (working)
-Assault Aircraft
-Cargo Aircraft
-Weapon 1
-Weapon 2
-Weapon 3
-Weapon 4
-Weapon 5
-Bio Tech Lab
-Biomass Removal
-mess hall
-oil Refining equipment
-Light posts in the base
-wall segments
-aircraft prep stations
-drill rig
-drilling equipment
-Control towers for airfield
-Control tower for Refinery
-Tunnel Entrance
-Tree A
-Tree B
-Tree C
-Tree D
-Fern A
-Fern B
-Fern C
-Grass A
-Grass B
-Brass C
-Rock A
-Rock B
-Rock C
-Computer screens
-Flag Base
-Bombing run base
Obviously im missing some assets and i do plan on adding to this but i really wanted to let you guys know what I'm trying to do
the next steps from here would be to try to paint a layout of the level for yall to see......i plan on moving what i have now from max to ue4 and taking some high screen shots and painting over in ps to get an idea on how this level will form
im really excited to be sharing this with yall
Please let me know what yall think
Once you get a firmer grasp on the scope, refine that list even further.
For instance, 'Wall Segments', how many and what type: long, short, corner, wall_barracks, wall_refinery etc. You can then treat each building or part of the base as its own mini project so that you don't get burned out on something this massive.
Stick with it, can't wait to see more.
ive definitely started to think in that vien for sure as im ramping up into the project
just to play around with scale ive been trying to set up my char controler and mod it a bit....but i plan on using the default fps view but for deving purposes i made 3rd person controler....although the animations are broken for some reason....doesnt really matter its just for scale anyway lol this is epics character i did not make that
ive decided that i want to make a bombing run map and have completely changed up how the map will look....from the first layouts....here is a top down view of the map with some paint overs to show lay out and item placement
question comments fire away thanks
this one will add vehicles into the mix and you will not be able to pilot or man the gun but will be able to ride as a passenger
There will be 4 vehicles in this Level
Attack Aircraft
Support Aircraft
2 of which the truck and the support aircraft will be able to carry a player with the bomb.
While carrying the bomb and you disembark a vehicle you don't gain the buff from exiting like you normally would in the support aircraft (when you disembark from the support aircraft while it is flying you gain invis for a few seconds)
as always please let me know what you think comments and crits welcome