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I need you help guys :) what am i doing wrong?

Guys I'm working hard to make it through and get approved with items.
I really work hard and i need to know what am I missing, what do i need to improve? What is that never convinces valve to accept one single item from my workshop page?
I really understand that there are so many great artists in there that deserve to make it through but most part of my items have more than 92 93% of positive ratings so i really want your professional opinion to help me understand where am i wrong and what should i do to get better.

This is the page

Please check all pages,some are 5 stars some not but your reviews will be very helpful...
Why don't i have any chances ? :(



  • Konras
    Offline / Send Message
    Konras polycounter lvl 12
    Well I actually like your Slark design. One thing about this set that in my opinion could be problematic that Slark has shoulder slot that you have changed to his belt only and added his left shoulder into your back piece. Items at older pages are lacking some refinement, however newer pages are much better. In my opinion you should just do more stuff, work hard and you will have your first item accepted soon!!!
  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
    I love these threads.

    To address your comment first however,
    I really understand that there are so many great artists in there that deserve to make it through but most part of my items have more than 92 93%

    Valve doesn't owe us anything. It's their game, they make the rules. No one deserves to get in, you can just better your odds by finding a group of people, and churning out a million items a week until you find "the formula" and stick with that.

    On top of that, there is a fan base about a trillion billion out there who love dota, and only a handful care about the workshop. The decisions made to bring things into the shop have to breathe dota in order to get noticed.

    Unless you quit your job and work on this stuff 24/7 (not figuratively, +60 hours a week) I don't think anyone deserves to get it in.

    Now that house keeping is over, to the items!! You clearly crank out a lot of stuff. Since August you've busted out about 6 pages of things. That's alot of things and its pretty impressive in quantity alone.

    In my honest opinion however, it all seems very safe, very plain. Nothing really caught my eye as "ooh I want to see this." So this means that either the models are boring or your marketing is bland. Try to make your marketing pop, or try some newer abstract models. If you don't work with a concept artist, just do a handful of crazy things that you are really excited about, and make them work.

    TLDR; It seems like you are going through the motions. Switch that up. Don't think anyone deserves this. It'll make your work ethic weak.
  • b0sk
    Ty guys for the constructive answers
    @heboltz3 yes i know that, i'm really not criticizing valve's decisions, their company their money their laws.

    I only want to know for me, to improve and know what's wrong with them from guys like you. I appreciate your answers.
  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
    So don't care about other peoples work and just do you. :)

    EDIT: (but totally be aware of what others are doing so you can have higher quality, but just don't "care")
  • Baddcog
    Offline / Send Message
    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    Some of your stuff is a little cartoony (crossbow), The horns on Doom helmet are just weird (horns don't grow/bend like that).

    But for the most part I think you have some pretty decent stuff.

    But it's Valve and nobody understands them...
  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 13
    Collaborate with a good concept artist.
  • EmAr
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    EmAr polycounter lvl 18
    I'm not experienced enough to comment on the quality of items but think about this: Valve has many more sets of statistics which we have no idea about. Relying only on vote counts would be too simple of an approach. You know they switched to OpenGL in order to take advantage of dX11 grade GPUs installed in Win XP machines in China, right?
  • Reyne
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    Reyne polycounter lvl 6
    This is a fairly simple question that you can answer yourself.

    Your work hasn't been good enough for Valve to want to add it. That is the only reason that any creator (myself included) has not got any work in the game.

    Your work is good, it has improved a lot. As others have said, you just need some awesome concepts to work with and your chances will improve.

    I think it is important to maintain that it is not personal. When your work is good/appropriate enough, it will get into the game.

    I'm in the same boat (everyone here is working hard to do their best). The only difference is that I need a lot more improvement than you ;D
  • Automedic
    I have no real experience in modelling so I can't really judge your skills (though it looks fine enough to me) but I think your main problem are the concepts. I scrolled through your workshop and in my opinion most of them look pretty bland and generic - but then again I got a massive weak spot for crazy concepts so it might as well be me. Especially a few of your early items have really grand ideas behind them which were fleshed out a bit bad - like for example this ward:

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfAvWwvdsoY"]Witch Doctor Ultimate - "A Deadly Tribal Dance" - YouTube[/ame]

    The idea of little puppets dancing around it is simply amazing. In this case I think for example that the item didn't quite catch the theme of Witch Doctor. The puppets dancing around it were waaay too cute and colourful and the totem in the middle was too clean for a crooked, twisted, dark voodoo doctor. Replace the colourful dancers with straw-stuffed, dark/brown voodoo puppets and the totem with a crooked branch or a totem made of bones, submit it again and I guarantee you the love of the workshop.
  • b0sk
    Thanks a lot guys great councils here.
    After reading all that, I started looking for someone to make some concepts for me (sets especially) but it's hard to find them.
    I've looked around in various concept artists' topics on polycount and almost all sets are already taken...
    It's not that easy to obtain awesome concepts when "big" artists are looking for the same thing, they always have priority.
    But yes almost all my work is based on no concepts, just ideas that i wanted to bring in the workshop .
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