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Are you a new art school grad who may want to work for Dreamworks for 6 months?

polycounter lvl 10
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MagicSugar polycounter lvl 10
Application deadline March 21, 2014


The objective of the program is to identify and train entry-level storytellers in the techniques and practices of storyboarding for feature-length animated films. Over the course of an initial three month curriculum, trainees are instructed by a DWA senior story artist in a training environment that replicates the production environment on actual projects. Trainees learn how to: evaluate and plan their storyboard sequences, take their boards from first "thumbnails" to final approval, collaborate with fellow artists, and work with directors and producers. Throughout their training, they are given opportunities to partake in additional creative enrichment opportunities including: classes in gesture drawing, life drawing, writing, improvisational techniques, acting, and visual storytelling (among others). Following this crash course, they are then launched on a three month stint with one of our projects to put into practice what they have learned.
If you are dedicated, resourceful and full of ideas, then we want to talk to you! It is important that whatever your area of study, you have also taken the time to focus on learning the fundamental skills that will serve as the foundation for your future growth.

How this is relevant to gamedev? Well for one, Blizzard's been hiring storyboard artists for their cinematics dept.
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