The initial concept sketch for Tiddles, wanted him to be wearing scavenged parts of boats repurposed to be armour assuming tech lvl is at sailboats and gunpowder. Wanted jaw reinforcements similar to orks.

After tweaks, wearing half a small boat as back armour would make a good silhouette

Doesn't look strong enough, needs some metal braces

Alterations, might be hard getting this within the 300-400 poly limits. Got a decent looking weapon design now at least. Strap of cannonballs along the back would look nice also. Really like the predator style cannon.

I remain unsure about the faceplate design, it's hard to place supportive straps for it when his body is so ....pudgy.
I love the new gauntlet design, need the rope bindings are going to be the hard part though.
Can't decide at the moment what type of blade or blade grip i prefer, the sawblade looks too much like bounty hunters item i think.
For the Backpiece i hope i can get the chest of cannonballs to fit in the limits, really unsure about having chest of cannonballs or just a "ammo belt" of cannonballs, both would look great but the tiny limits may make chest too low poly for its size.
Alot of tweaking still needed as i keep changing the design little by little if i could only stop myself from changing the design for once...
Thinking about rigging, may need to make cannon centralised on top of back, doesn't have the same "Predator" feel plus there's already a back cannon on the workshop.
Also thinking about sticking a harpoon in the cannon and using chains instead of rope again but they'd have to be a 2d texture and i'm not sure how good that will look, the contrast between the yellowed rope and the restwill prolly look better though.