I wanted to make a little stylized Link for a while and decided to start working on him and slowly chip away. Its not based off any specific concept, more just an amalgamation of a lot of different things and making it up as I go. (which is a receipt for disaster haha)
Now I have never really done a character or used zbrush that much so don't hesitate to rip anything apart. I am really blindly going at this and could use any and all feedback possible
I started out with a quick blockout of things in Maya to get the big shapes in there.
Took him in zbrush and started getting the forms I wanted for things like his face (which im thinking mostly round/simple/kinda baby faced?) hair which I started from cube and his tunic. Was trying out cloth folds last night.
Thanks for looking and don't hesitate to be brutally honest
The cloth looks pretty nice.
As a very first though, I would recommend moving his belt up a bit more. With it being so low, it either makes him look like he is wearing a womans dress or he is a young kid trying to wear clothes that are too big for him and are sagging way too much. I found this nice little drawing online to help give some better proportions to shoot for with anatomy and placement of the belt, etc.
Also maybe shrink the size of the hair a bit? I think the dress looking clothes and the hair are starting to make him look more like a young girl than link. Continue looking at some reference and keep on going with it looking forward to seeing some more progress.
@Jacob - thanks for the feedback Jacob! I will def mess around with his belt. I love that concept you linked and see exactly what you mean by moving it up. Really cool little doodle I'm gonna steal from haha.
@Pegbird - Yeah he dose have a huge gap between his eyes and his hair. The super big forehead was intentional. But I can always see what it looks like without such a big gap.
@ESFGames - I don't sculpt things all that often. At work I rarely find a need to do it at all as I am not making 1 to 1 props. So I am just trying to get more practice in now
@LMP - In what way do you feel his face looks creepy/could be cuter? What about it is giving you a creepy vibe?
Like this mixed with the image jacob linked.
Some things to consider.