I've never used Mudbox before, I've tried the Substance Painter beta (which looks promising).
Does Mudbox allow an artist to paint textures on a model in a similar fashion to Substance Painter? For example, if I'm painting metal onto an object, will it also provide me with the spec and gloss map at the same time? Like, if I painted a scratch down the metal, would Mudbox also put the scratch in the spec and gloss.... along with the diffuse, all at the same time?
but its able to output different layers and mask to feed shaders in marmoset for example...
there is no way to paint in multiple channels like in 3dcoat...
mudbox does also not have instanced layers like mari...
if someone would code a cgfx shader it could be possible but im afraid the isnt such...
if you are fine with only painting maps in mudbox and using an external tool as viewer its a possible workflow...