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Vine Pillar WIP

polycounter lvl 9
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Zin83 polycounter lvl 9
Thought I would put this up for some feedback.



  • michaelkr
    that is looking pretty tight. A couple thoughts. Everything looks pretty high res except for the sticker on the barrel. I would also made add some more interesting lighting with some shadows coming over the ground. How did you do the grass? they look pretty damn good
  • Joost
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    Joost polycount sponsor
    Cool little scene! The material of the vines isn't very realistic though. Maybe use some SSS to get the translucency? http://universitydisplaygardens.files.wordpress.com/2013/07/img_0351.jpg
  • Noren
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    Noren polycounter lvl 20
    It's not a bad piece at all, but unfortunately your hero vine of all things looks a bit sloppy and lazy right now. It seems hardly textured and even for a mutant the melting and arbitrary growth is a bit much, in my opinion. (Thick arms grow over thin arms, flow into each other and sometimes look like they branch in all directions.)
    There seems to be some kind of falloff going on in the shader which might be some kind of uniform goo covering everything, but then it makes the barrel, the pillar and the vine all look pretty much the same, material wise.
    So a bit variation in specularity might help. (Are there any specular maps right now?)
    The ground looks like some kind of rock, but grass grows on a thin layer of mossy lichen and the vine eats through it like butter.
    It's also not quite clear how long the vine has been growing. Was the pillar damaged beforehand or is that the vine's work? Aside from the bigger damage, the pillar seems not too much impacted by the vine. (Cracks, dirt, dribs etc. There are some spots that actually look like the concrete has been turned soft and the vine left a dent in it. While there might be some strange chemical reactions going on, right now it does't look convincing. If you want to go with something like that, I'd exaggerate to make the point clear. Drips of molten stone etc.
    There is still quite a bit of work ahead of you, but I like the idea and you even tell a small story, so I think it's worth it.
  • luge
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    luge polycounter lvl 4
    My main problem here, is that your vines look... like plastic.
  • Zin83
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    Zin83 polycounter lvl 9
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