I'm tired of searching. I have two dynamesh objects. One I can change the resolution by using the slider and remeshing, the other I can not change the resolution of. What's the magic button I need to push to make sure I can move up and down resolutions in dynamesh similar to SDiv?! THnx.
This. You can't change subdivision level on the fly like you can if you weren't using it, however, you can increase or decrease your resolution, though it is important to remember that every time you increase or decrease your resolution, ZBrush will re-dynamesh your mesh.
Yup, I just use smoothing with minimal intensity over an area which is smooth anyway then re-dynamesh it. Though I hardly see the need to change my resolution mid way most of the times. The good thing about it is that when you re-dynamesh it, it fixes most of your problems. The only time I consider doing it is when two separate surfaces are so close that dynamesh welds them together at low resolutions.