Hello Polycount,
I'm currently modelling a concept for a rhasta themed ward and wanted to put in some gaps in the model.
(see the gaps in the middle of the body texture)

My question is whether or not i will have to shell the body polygons or not to apply a texture on the inside?
The reason this may be an issue is that pre-optimized, when i run the shell modifier on what i feel are the applicable polygons, i end up with a giant triangle count (around 2700), which would throw me way over the top of the triangle limit.
Is there any way to run a texture on the inside without the addition of more polygons, or will i simply have to cover up the gaps, and do more of a solid bandaged theme?
I hope so, 'cause that's what my paintover is for.
It looks like you have a ton of excess polygons you could get rid of anyways, probably enough to bring the ward back into budget without the mesh even looking any different. The main offenders are all the loops on the fangs and the bottom of the body - I think you could get rid of most of them even while maintaining good deformations.
Here are the worst offenders, but I would encourage you to look for more places to clean up as you go, especially in the head. Remember that things like the inside of the mouth can be super simple and rely mainly on a normal map, since you're never get a direct view of them unless the eye pops out and the rest of the ward gives the camera a big ol' smile.
Finally, add the shell polygons in by hand just to make sure you only add what you need. Hope that helps.:)
EDIT: I forgot to mention, I'm guessing some of those loops are in there to give you clean UV lines between skin and bandages. Keep a few of those around, it'll really help when the textures get compressed to game-size... Just try to make them happen to serve the silhouette and/or deformation at the same time.
But just make a copy of the model, hide the original, then delete all polys except the ones that will be seen first.
Is this your low poly? You can really trim it down a lot.
But those gaps are really small anyway, You probably won't miss the inside in game anyway.
So yeah, what i'm getting at is the fact that you will be able to see the backside of some of the polygon's as it is literally just 'made' of bandages. And the issue is that due to the fact you can zoom in and around a ward in dota, there may be area's where you can't see a texture.
But from what i can see the optimizing that you've pointed out is a god send, so that may reduce my triangle count enough to be able to actually put the shells in.
Really appreciate the help guys
made a sphere, made holes, cloned (as copy NOT instance), added normals modifier which flips faces).
I still think the models holes are too small to really matter in game. From looking at the drawings and you model it appears that you only have the small gaps you see in the concept.
But you're not accounting for the front/back straps...
To me the holes should be as big as these red areas, looks like you are doing them according to the blue areas (light shining through on concept)
I also think bigger holes and fewer is the best way to make it read good in game.
Gunna make some tweeks like you said
I think a lot of the problems with the body have been caused by the fact i literally picked up the programme and started trying on this model straight away.
Here's the current progress with my model now.
edit: ignore me, i'm a pleb, i am barely under the budget though at 1453
Never worry about "inner" polys. Basically just make sure your object doesn't have any gaps, or holes.
I'm not to sure that i follow? Are you just saying to focus on texturing in the gaps rather than making physical ones? I worry that'll withdraw from it's bandage-y feeling, what with it looking a bit more 2D and my complete lack of experience in texturing.
When I see the words "Inner polys" I think back faces. Looking at your concept and the model I am not sure that is what you really mean. Looking at the model it appears that you need to build up some 3d foundations and fundamentals. This model is just fundamentally flawed. Some other users already gave you some good paint overs as to how your edge loops should look, you are just wasting polys. As for these holes in the concept if modeled properly these would be closed and back faces will not be a concern.
Yeah, sorry, i am the literal definition of a total beginner when it comes to 3D modelling, so reading up on terminology/fundamentals etc is definitely high up on my list of things to do.
I did a quick go over on my poly's and managed to bring the number down a good amount, which may give me the space to add the last few things i want to the model.
If you have the time and don't mind, do you mind advising me on the possible alternative to the holes?
I see no reason not to have the holes. You obviously want wraps around a 'ghost snake' right?
I still think bigger holes would be a better way to show off that detail of the model. And your geo could use some clean up but you are on the right track.
These are all the loops you really need on a low poly. Just put the holes on the edge loops and have them terminate at existing verts. You can move those verts around to get the final shape you want.
Like a complete pleb I've realised that I've been saving this as my LOD 0....
Do we think that'll make a giant difference. With the last details i need to put in like the chin fashioning i may be pushed right up to my 1500 tri budget.
I suppose i could always go over the upper half and try too add little details in afterwards to make a suitable portrait picture, or so i hope.
edit: i also reailse that i have left the lipping on the sides of the model. I've done this as i want to keep a nice shape for where the bandages wrap around. And i'm going to mess around with much bigger holes to see how it looks.
Good suggestion, I think i might still have a problem though, as some of the gaps look onto the bandages on the other side, so i think i'd have to use backface's for a lot of it still.
When I've gone to do an 'unwrap of UVW' the results yield this...
Anyone have any idea what i've done? -_-
Edit: worked it out