Hey all!
This has been long overdue for me. I've been working on 2d and sculpting stuff pretty consistently over the last year and a half or so when my free time allows it and I just haven't gotten around to posting stuff up. Sorry.... lame, I know.
Anyways, I want to do better! And get some critiques from all of you who are lots better than me!

A lot of this is stuff I have been playing around with as I have been thinking of doing a game on the side, so some of my most recent 2d stuff, I don't want to show just yet, because I don't know if I want to show my game idea yet... will think more on it.
But basically, I am focusing on lots of things daily, working on 2d - foundational stuff, like painting, sketching, gesture, anatomy, design, form, color theory...
And just started doing short session bust sculpts in Zbrush as I want to get better!
My background has mostly been in Environment art. I worked at Vigil as an Environment Artist and now at Digital Extremes on Warframe. But I love characters and want to do them too, if only for fun.
Anyways, enough for now. Here's some stuff! Crits always welcome!
Will try to post in order of time created...

Below are some rocks for a Unity package I am putting together...

http://www.polycount.com/forum/<a href="
http://imgur.com/WuDV47k"><img src="<a href=
http://i.imgur.com/WuDV47k.jpg" target=_blank>
http://i.imgur.com/WuDV47k.jpg"</a> title="Hosted by imgur.com"/></a>[/IMG]
Some shots of the rocks textured and in Unity!
Below are a couple speed sculpting busts, something I'm just starting to do. Did these two guys last week.
Thanks for looking!!! That's it for now! Will keep posting to this as get more stuff to show.
Great scale! You should take an other pass at this and tighten it up like your other sharp stones. Great job!
@Pegbird - Ya, The Snail Shop Merchant is one my favorite 2d pieces I have done. He was a lot of fun. I want to sculpt him someday, but haven't gotten the courage to dive in yet! lol...
@sltrOlsson - Thanks! Ya, maybe I will. I did that before many of the others, so some of the lessons I learned didn't get applied to that one. Maybe I'll revisit it.
I'm trying to get into sculpting and I really love your results.
Beside that, your concepts are really lovely!
@ SaboR1996 - Thanks! I like him too!
@ Fenyce - Hey! I'm glad you like them. I mainly use TrimSmoothBorder brush with a square alpha. If you want a little noise left behind as you sculpt, you can add some kind of alpha for that effect. I also use FastMallet2 brush, which is similar to the trimsmoothborder except that it only will effect one plane.
Generally I started out with a cube, dynameshed it with pretty low points, like under 30-50,000. Then used the move brush, fast mallet, trimsmoothborder, clay tubes, and planar brushes to find a base shape. This step is really one of the most important, and shouldn't be rushed. For rocks, one of the most important things is that they have a good shape from every angle they are viewed. Also try to think about how they will interact when crashed with other rocks to build formations, and lastly think about just generally where the uv seams might end up and if there is a shape condusive to better usage of your uv space. The last consideration, is a little hard, but can be helpful. I have a couple more rocks I will post soon, that I did for Warframe, where I put this to use and will show you.
Sometimes, as a hint, I like to just do some sketches first as well, just to play with shape and silhouette before I start sculpting. Just another way to visualize. Mostly likely your sculpt will change from your sketch.
Anyways, after that, I have a couple different methods. Sometimes I make a small chunk of rock and duplicate it around, crashing them into each other stretching and scaling them, until I come up with a rock shape I like. Other times, I use one dynamesh from start to finish. Just depends on how I feel I can best accomplish what I'm trying to do.
I also have a few rock brushes I made that just have some shape in them. I often will make a brush for some details that I don't want to have to sculpt over and over again. They are also nice just to be able to throw onto a rock shape, Most or all of the original rock brush will get sculpted away, but it gives you something to sculpt into as opposed to just a big flat surface.
Here are some of my rock brushes:
For tileables I basically take a plane and sculpt the middle 2/3. Then frame it up at 4096x4096, grab doc a heightmap, open it in photoshop, offset it, resave the offset heightmap, go back to zbrush, grab a new plane, make sure it has uvs and a blank texture, res it up with smoothing off so the corners stay sharp to 4.1 million, and then apply my offest heightmap as a displacment. The I have the middle blank, where I can fill in the detail. You can do straight up sculpting on the mesh to get the tileable or use ztool rocks to place around with this method. Or a combination of both! Which I did for several of mine.
Then lastly, I love using the Multimesh insert brush. I made one with I think 8 small stones, so I can just place small stones around quickly!
Maybe I will make a little video demo if enough people want it. I don't know if everything I just explained is very clear... Hopefully!
And I can definitely +1 a quick tut video on the workflow.
And I really love the look of you brushes!
Thanks a lot again!
A tutorial would be very cool, thank you for offering!
Seriously though, those rocks have a killer silhouette.
Executed perfectly!
You never use wrapMode on your brushes? It's what I've used for pretty much all of my rock textures.
@SltrOlsson - I'll see if I can figure out if I have them still! I think I do. Also, I have used the wrap brush before... But I don't love it because you can't really carry the stroke across the seam very well. By using the displacement and offset, you get to work across the seam much better. What I tended to find was because I was treating the seam differently with the wrap brush than I was with the rest of the texture, you could sometimes still see where the seam was. Whereas with the offset, you can work the same way across the entire texture. Plus offset is always nice because it gives you a fresh look at your texture, sort of like flipping your canvas or changing a matcap, ya know?
Will try to post something new soon. I've been working on a couple new character busts. But will try to get you some of the stuff you want for the rocks too!
Thanks for all the kind words. I will get a tutorial put together sometime soon. I'm just getting over being sick and transitioning onto a new computer so my work got put on hold for about a week.
I do however have a couple new bust sculpts to show.
This is the concept art for the first:
And My sculpt: Honestly not very happy with this. Lots of mistakes, but I learned a lot from it, and don't want to spend too much time on each one. Trying to do them and move on. I know quite a few of the proportions are off and other stuff... but oh well. It is what it is... moving on.
And then this one: This guy, I was happier with. Still not perfect, but again moving on.
Anyways, will have more soon. And will try to put a rock tutorial together ASAP!
And I'm looking forward for your tutorial!
Can't wait to see your rock sculpt tutorial.