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Marmoset 2 bug? or being stupid

polycounter lvl 13
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bcottage polycounter lvl 13
Hey guys, after Marmoset picked up my Mossberg 500 and put it in their gallery (which i am over the moon about) it inspired me to fix a few things i wasnt happy with.

The first being the scope lens. I seem to have a issue when i hide the UI in marmo. Im not sure if this is a bug or im missing something?

This is what look i was going for

However when i hide the ui the lens changes...


  • EarthQuake
    Interesting, how does it look when you export a render?

    This looks like something to do with local reflections, unfortunately local reflections don't really work with add blending (technical limitation), so you may get some unexpected results when using add for glass type objects. Though it should be consistent whether the UI is showing or not.

    If you like, package up this scene and I will take a look at it.
  • bcottage
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    bcottage polycounter lvl 13
    Thankyou Earthquake, I think I jumped the gun on this one. After playing with a few other settings (going crazy with the reflection sliders) the problem just fixed itself?

    All fixed now :), hopefully going to have this baby finished soon
  • EarthQuake
    Ok cool, yeah one thing that can give you issues with local reflection is if you have specular values higher than 1 (ie more light reflecting than hits), you got a sort of infinate loop in the local reflections. Not sure if that had anything to do with it though.
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